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Command & Conquer Wiki

How 'bout some action?
- GI

G.I.s (Government Issue) or (General Infantry) form the core of Allied infantry in the Third World War and Psychic Dominator Disaster.


These soldiers possess basic combat training in urban warfare, which allowed them to effectively garrison civilian buildings and use them as makeshift fortifications.

Each of the GIs is equipped with what appears to be a Spectre submachine gun which they used on foot and an M60 heavy machine gun they used in entrenched positions. For protection, each of them had a composite combat vest with shoulder pads and a composite helmet.

Game Unit[]

G.I.s may deploy into a ring of sandbags. In this static mode they fire faster and have longer range. When put into an IFV, they gain even more firepower. The G.I. may also garrison structures.

The game data files identify the GI's standard weapon as the M60 and its deployed weapon as the "para".

When deployed and in large groups they can also be a threat to enemy armour.


After the war they were replaced by Peacemakers in the Post-War Crisis, and later by Peacekeepers in the War of the Three Powers, which possess shotguns, and are more effective against enemy infantry.



  • Excellent corridor defense in large numbers.
  • Able to take on heavy armor in entrenched positions in large numbers.
  • Able to take on light armor in entrenched positions in medium numbers.
  • In entrenched positions, can take on large numbers of infantry
  • Vastly superior to the Soviet Conscript.
  • Can garrison buildings.
  • Can easily destroy buildings in large numbers.
  • Elite GIs can outrange all base defenses except for the Grand Cannon.


  • Can easily be crushed by heavy armour.
  • Vulnerable to mind control.
  • Vulnerable to air units.
  • When in entrenched very vulnerable to superweapons.
  • Vulnerable to desolators
  • When mobile weapons are not as effective.
  • When in entrenched positions, vulnerable to artillery.
  • Twice the cost of soviet conscripts.
  • Unable to engage Initiate in 1vs1 when not deployed.
  • Unable to engage Conscript in 1vs1 even when deployed.(in slowest game speed)
  • A pack of deployed Gi is an easy target to Virus.

Selected Quotes[]

Sir, yes, sir!
- When selected
- When selected
Squared away, sir!
- When selected
- When selected
How 'bout some action?
- When selected
Can do!
- When selected
Who's next?
- When selected
Movin' out!
- When moving
Got it!
- When moving
On my way!
- When moving
Double time!
- When moving
On the move!
- When moving
- When moving
- When ordered to attack
You got it!
- When ordered to attack
Enemy sighted!
- When ordered to attack
Let's do it!
- When ordered to attack
Diggin' in!
- When ordered to attack
Safety first, sir!
- When ordered to attack
We're pinned down!
- Under fire
We're being attacked!
- Under fire


See Also[]

Behind the scenes[]

The G.I.s are played by Sharif Perry, Micheal Rouleau, Jeremy Olson, Brett Logan, Lamar Lucas and McKenzie Woodcock in the cutscenes. The ingame unit was voiced by Michael Bell, like most Allied infantry.

Join the winning side! Allied Third World War Arsenal We have hot food, women and guns for everyone!