Capture Building, as hinted by its name, allows basic infantry units to capture an enemy or neutral structure at close range. The unit will plant a flag, causing the structure to flash and to eventually fall under its owner's control unless interrupted by movement or if the unit is destroyed. This process takes 20 seconds.
This ability undergoes cooldown when eligible infantry units are produced, manage to take a building or if they are moved before they do so.
Their tools may serve us well! - Rebel, using his Capture Building ability
As well as being mandatory to seize tech buildings, a Para Drop, Sneak Attack or Rebel Ambush can capture unguarded enemy buildings that can be then sold or used against the opponent. This is useful even for China, as Black Lotus is only available after constructing a Propaganda Center. However, Land Mines around China structures can often deny this if the opponent has the budget for them, as they respawn fairly quickly.