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Command & Conquer Wiki
Command & Conquer Wiki

Applications-multimedia This article is written from a real world point of view.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Counterstrike is the first of two expansions for Command & Conquer: Red Alert, released in 1997 with some new missions for both the Allies and the Soviets. It was the first expansion pack to bring new units, however they were available in the campaign only. Arguably, the main feature of this expansion was the four secret Ant missions complete with a new "faction" of enemies, the Giant Ants.

The majority of multiplayer maps were designed by Intelligent Games.

On 14 November 2018, it was announced that Command & Conquer: Red Alert would be remastered by Petroglyph Games and Lemon Sky Studios under supervision of Electronic Arts, along with the Counterstrike and The Aftermath expansion packs.[1] The Remastered Collection was released on 5 June 2020.

New units[]

New missions[]



Secret ant missions[]

To activate the Ant missions, go to the main menu, hold Shift while clicking the speaker at the top right corner of the screen. Then select the difficulty.


Names in different markets[]

  • France: Command & Conquer: Alerte Rouge - Missions Taïga
  • Germany: Command & Conquer Mission CD: Gegenangriff



  1. C&C Remastered Announcement from EA. Reddit (14 November 2018). Retrieved on 14 November 2018.

External links[]

Command & Conquer series
Red Alert, Counterstrike and The Aftermath missions