Command & Conquer Wiki

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Command & Conquer Wiki

Wiki managers

These users are representatives of Gamepedia.


These users have the right to assign new System Operators and Responsible Users.

System operators

These users are the administrators of the site, having broad control over pages and users.

Chat moderators

These users are similar to normal users, but with additional rights to moderate the in-built chat system. If you distinguish yourself, you might be made one as a precursor to becoming a Sysop.

Currently, all of the chat moderators on Command & Conquer Wiki are inactive.

Responsible users

These users are similar to normal users, but with additional rights to revert pages and stop vandalism. If you distinguish yourself, you might be made one as a precursor to becoming a Sysop.

Currently, all of the responsible users on Command & Conquer Wiki are inactive.

Inactive staff members

These users retain their rights, but haven't been around in a while.
