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Command & Conquer Wiki

Atreides captured more territory... and drove the Ordos out. Ordos headed for the Harkonnen. The Harkonnen expanded their borders.

This is the third Atreides mission of Dune II.


The battle with the other Houses has intensified, and we are now forced to engage in some selected offensive maneuvers. The Harkonnen are being extremely troublesome in your next region, and we must ask that you remove their presence from the area.
- Cyril

Despite their reluctance to fight the other Houses, the Atreides finally accepted the harsh reality that they would have to go on the offensive. Cyril directed the Commander to attack a Harkonnen outpost that proved to be a major obstacle to Atreides expansion in the region. To this end, the Comamnder was granted access to heavier attack vehicles - Quads.


  • Use Trikes to locate the enemy base, then build an army of Quads to destroy it. Move your Quads together, in a tight formation.


Hurrah! House Atreides thanks you for your efforts!
- Cyril

Dune II missions