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Atreides pushed the Ordos back further.

This is the seventh Atreides mission of Dune II.


The battle goes well, but there is no time to relax. We have an urgent need for you to subdue all Ordos forces in this region promptly. Our ongoing negotiations are aided immeasurably by corresponding victories in the field. We are counting on you.
- Cyril

As the Atreides clearly began to dominate on Arrakis, heavier and more exotic weapons began to be deployed in battle. Cyril assigned the Commander to a region with heavy Ordos presence, and also granted them access to the House of Ix facility and the advanced technologies it unlocked.


  • Use your wheeled vehicles to locate the enemy base, then build an army of Rocket launchers to soften its defenses, and Siege tanks to finish it off.
  • Sonic tanks can shoot through multiple targets in a line.


Excellent! Your skill seems to improve with each assignment, and your exploits give great confidence to those on the home front. Keep up the good work!
- Cyril

Dune II missions