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Only the Emperor’s forces remain.

This is the ninth and final Atreides mission of Dune II.


Your next assignment will determine the entire outcome of our efforts here on Dune. Victory will not come easily. In addition to destroying all remaining Ordos and Harkonnen troops, you are also instructed to subdue Emperor Frederick’s forces. All of our hopes and dreams are riding with you, and we humbly beg of you to provide one final victory for our noble House Atreides.
- Cyril

The Emperor has openly joined the Ordos and Harkonnen in a bid to prevent a total Atreides victory. The final conflict turned into all-out war with the Sardaukar terror troops fighting alongside the Arteides' enemies. All stops were pulled and every wepaon brought onto the battlefield.

Despite Frederick IV's treachery, the Atreides did not forsake their noble ways. Once the battle was won, their intention was to confront the Emperor and officially charge him with treason, so that he would stand trial, during which time his rule would be suspended.


  • Use your wheeled vehicles to locate the enemy base, then build an army of Rocket launchers to soften its defenses, and Siege tanks to finish it off.
  • Sonic tanks can shoot through multiple targets in a line.
  • Use the Fremen as often as possible to confuse the enemy.


Good morning, your lordship, and congratulations! You have served House Atreides well. We will not soon forget our most noble warrior! I go now to relay the news of your most glorious victory, and deliver your terms to the Emperor.
- Cyril

Atreides Campaign Finale[]

DuneII AtreidesFinale

The Atreides bring the Emperor some very bad news.

(Cyril, accompanied by Atreides warriors, confronts Frederick IV in his throne room)

Cyril: Greetings, Emperor.

Frederick IV: What is the meaning of this intrusion?

Cyril: You are formally charged with crimes of treason against House Atreides. The House shall determine your guilt or innocence. Until then, you shall no longer reign as Emperor.

(end credits roll)

Dune II missions