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The Chaos Drone is a Yuri unmanned support ground vehicle in Yuri's Revenge.

Official description[]

When deployed, this small vehicle releases clouds of hallucinatory toxins that drive enemies berserk. Berserk units’ attack power is greatly magnified and they will automatically target friendly units before they attack enemies.
- Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge manual(src)

Game unit[]

Like many of Yuri's forces, it makes use of mind control but in a completely different way. Instead of trying to control its enemies, the Chaos Drone does what its name suggests: releasing hallucinatory gas, which causes enemies nearby to behave violently, even against their own forces. This will cause even a well-ordered enemy column to collapse as the gas amplified the strength of the affected enemy, who will end up attacking their own comrades before attempting to fight Yuri's forces.

The Chaos Drone is able to infiltrate many bases quite easily in order to cause this effect, its ease attributes to its fast speed and artificial intelligence driver, the latter of which also made it immune to mind control. Ironically, this makes the Chaos Drone uniquely useful against hostile Yuri forces, and quickly able to throw them into disarray.

However, the drone is very lightly armored with no way of defending itself (other than releasing the gas). While fast, it's extremely vulnerable to base defenses, missile-packing enemies, and aircraft.

The drone's gas dispenser only works on conventional units; animals (such as Attack Dogs), robotic units and high-level psionic units (such as Yuri Clones, Yuri Prime, or Masterminds) are immune. A secondary issue is that the gas gives an attack boost to those within it, so it can potentially work against you if the berserk unit attacks your own forces. The hallucinatory effect is relatively short-lived, necessitating that the Chaos Drone either launch hit-and-run assaults, suicidal charges into the fray, or be backed up with other allied units.

AI behavior[]

Chaos Drones controlled by the AI have the following attack patterns:

  • Medium: 1x, targeting vehicles
  • Hard: 3x, targeting vehicles




Veteran cameos are unused.

English French German Korean Chinese
YR Chaos Drone Icons CNCRA2YR Chaos Drone French Cameo CNCRA2YR Chaos Drone German Cameo CNCRA2YR Chaos Drone Korean Cameo CNCRA2YR Chaos Drone Chinese Cameo
YR Chaos Drone Veteran Icons CNCRA2YR Chaos Drone French Veteran Cameo CNCRA2YR Chaos Drone German Veteran Cameo CNCRA2YR Chaos Drone Korean Veteran Cameo CNCRA2YR Chaos Drone Chinese Veteran Cameo

See also[]

Only complete faith in Yuri can protect you! Yuri Third World War Arsenal Only total compliance will save the lives of you and your family!