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Operation: Guardian Angel is the third mission in the USA campaign of Command & Conquer: Generals.


A battle between an American armored division against a GLA force ended badly and the Americans were forced to retreat through the cold mountain passes with the GLA attack force in hot pursuit. An American Commander was asked to provide covering fire for 100 of the retreating forces, including POW trucks carrying valuable prisoners, while they crossed the pass.

Key Units[]

CNCG Comanche Cameo CNCG PatriotMissileSystem Cameo Gen1 USA Airfield Icons


Providing air cover[]

Before the first retreating forces came along, two rangers captured two key oil derricks on the other side of the pass for more funds. The Commander did not have much time to quickly build up his air force of Comanches and Stealth Fighters as the first wave of retreating forces entered the pass. As soon as they entered however, the GLA pursuing them from behind started to decimate the retreating army. The US response came in the form of Comanches raining down rockets and bullets on the GLA. Any remaining enemies that got through the blockade were destroyed or heavily damaged by Stealth Fighters before the retreating wave finished them off. Despite taking some casualties, the first wave managed to cross the pass.

The second wave was due to arrive at any moment so the US air force quickly regrouped and deployed more Comanches on standby to guard the pass. The retreating force came along, along with a pursuit force that was more numerous than the first. The Comanches used the Rocket Pods upgrade to great effect and wiped out the bulk of the GLA pursuers. The remaining pursuers met their demise just like their predecessors.

The third wave met the same fate but this time some of the pursuers broke off from the attack force and proceeded to attack the US air force base providing air cover. This attack was repulsed but the US Commander quickly issued commands to build Patriot missile batteries and deployed Pathfinders to defend the airbase.

The final phase[]

By now the last of the retreating army was entering the pass, pursued by the bulk of the GLA attack force. Now aware that the Americans' air cover was primarily responsible for destroying their comrades, the GLA brought out Quad Cannons to clear the Comanches and the Stealth Fighters from the skies. The Comanches targeted the Quad Cannons first before they rained down more rocket pods on the pursuers. In this fourth wave, a few of the Comanches were shot down and the retreating force sustained a number of casualties but enough troops had survived to complete the main objective. Keep in mind that another division of Scorpions will enter your base from the left but should be easily destroyed.

However the battle was not yet over. US intel reported the main bulk of the GLA attack force would attempt to destroy the airbase, apparently enraged that their victory was marred by the fact that the US armored division had managed to retreat without suffering major casualties. Immediately two GLA attack groups converged on both sides of the US airbase. The air force, particularly the A-10s, managed to weaken most of the assault forces before the base's defenses destroyed what was left of the enemy. The battle was finally over, the mission now a success.


The enemy onslaught begins very quickly. Matters are complicated by the fact that Raptors and Auroras cannot be built, so Comanches and Patriots will be your main defensive line for the mission objective and your base. Build at least one Patriot near the southwestern entrance to your base and station Comanches in this area.

Build one extra Chinook, research the Capture Building ability, then put a Dozer and two Rangers inside. Send the Chinook to the other side, where a Supply Dock and two Oil Derricks can be found. Capture the Oil Derricks and use the Dozer to construct a second Supply Center, then take it back to base.

The GLA AI will attack right now. Don't worry about Quad Cannons, as they only come later in the mission. Continue building additional Patriots to guard your base entrances (at least 5-6 at the closest one should be enough) and to snipe enemy units from above. If you're concerned with their massive power consumption, build more Cold Fusion Reactors.

Remember to upgrade your Crusaders and Humvees with Battle Drones, as the War Factory is not available during this mission. Fill your Humvees with Missile Defenders so they can deal with any Scorpions that Patriots struggle to take out. Once your economy is up fill the Air Field with Stealth Fighters and purchase both upgrades, then start spamming Comanches. Set Stealth Fighters to guard in the middle.

You will lose many Comanches to Quad Cannons, so be watchful of them. The Rocket Pods ability can certainly help taking down large clusters of enemy units, but don't expect Stealth Fighters to do much. AI losses don't matter, either, and the final wave will trigger as soon as the quota has been reached. Simply pick off the Rocket Buggies and it'll be an easy victory.


  • According to the briefing, the US division was attacked in the Hindu Kush mountains, and the Comanche base was located near the Salang Pass, which would place this mission in Afghanistan. However, the briefing graphics erroneously stated that the mission takes place in Northern Kazakhstan.
  • No matter how many US forces are destroyed and no matter how many GLA forces are killed, the waves will continue arriving until at least 100 forces escape. The 6th to 9th waves are randomized.
  • This is the first Generals mission where you cannot build a war factory, the other being Burning Skies. Coincidentally, both missions involve destroying waves of GLA forces.
  • Cut American POW trucks can be seen among the retreating US forces.
Generals and Zero Hour missions