“ | No system is safe. - Hacker emerging from the Barracks |
” |
The Hacker is a China infantry unit in Generals and Zero Hour.
Game Unit[]
It is possible to use Hackers as a supplementary source of income, but they can also be useful in their own regard by paralyzing certain enemy structures. As long as they maintain contact, the structure will remain disabled.
Surprisingly for a non-offensive unit, Hackers can gain veterancy, which affects their income generation:
- By default, they produce $5 every few seconds.
- Veteran Hackers produce $6 at a slightly faster rate once they generate $500
- Elite Hackers produces $8 at an even faster rate after generating an additional $1200.
- Heroic Hackers produce $10 every second after generating an additional $1600.
Hackers, as with all infantry units, can be garrisoned in structures. However, unless the structure in question is an Internet Center, they can't use any of their abilities.
Game Unit[]
Disable Building
The Hacker targets a building and disables it.
Hack Internet
The Hacker slowly generates money over time.
“ | Preparing for credit transfer! - Hacker |
” |
Most of the time Chinese generals would train Hackers midway through a battle in order to stop their funds running out. The Internet center was useful for keeping Hackers safe from enemy units, but was not always considered essential. As they gained experience, Hackers could acquire more and more money at a time. Should a Hacker is ordered to hack either a building or unsecured bank account, they will stand down, deploy their laptop and stay in the position until the hacker activity is stopped. Hacking money can gain experience value to them and earn them veterancy, this in turn increase the hacking value of each hacker. Dollar per dollar, a heroic hacker can gain more funds compared to Black market and Supply drop zone.
However, being defenseless infantry units, Hackers required protection at all times, and were ripe targets of opportunity for any enemy unit, whether being run over by vehicles or simply shot at freely by any infantry unit. Hackers have absolutely no kind of protection whatsoever against nuclear radiation or toxic chemicals, and were vulnerable to such weapon strikes.
Should the ability be available, the GLA's Rebel Ambush can easily pick off a group of unsuspecting Hackers, which is a heavy loss to any Chinese general who is relying on them for income in the late-game phase.
Selected Quotes[]
“ | No system is safe. - When emerging from the Barracks |
” |
“ | Laptop in hand. - When selected |
” |
“ | I can cripple their facilities. - When selected |
” |
“ | Batteries charged. - When selected |
” |
“ | Uplink cables ready. - When selected |
” |
“ | (Heh) There's always a way in. - When selected |
” |
“ | I will be there soon. - When moving |
” |
“ | Instruction recieved. - When moving |
” |
“ | Okay, give me a sec. - When moving |
” |
“ | Going to next linkup - When moving |
” |
“ | Set up there? - When moving |
” |
“ | Hey, this hardware is expensive! - Under fire |
” |
“ | I'm unarmed! - Under fire |
” |
“ | Leave me alone, you bully! - Under fire |
” |
“ | They're picking on me! - Under fire |
” |
“ | Hacking algorithms ready. - When ordered to hack |
” |
“ | Terminal ready. - When ordered to hack |
” |
“ | Let's get connected! - When ordered to hack |
” |
“ | Preparing for credit transfer. - When ordered to hacking money |
” |
“ | I'll suck the Internet dry! - When ordered to hacking money |
” |
“ | Nobody will notice their money is missing! - When ordered to hacking money |
” |
“ | Security is minimal! - When ordered to disable building |
” |
“ | Encryption code is primitive! - When ordered to disable building |
” |
“ | No backup for this! - When ordered to disable building |
” |
“ | I'll let myself in, thanks. - When ordered to disable building |
” |
“ | Let's exchange information! - When ordered to disable building |
” |
“ | Booting up! - When ordered to disable building |
” |
“ | I'm in! - When a building is disabled |
” |
“ | Hack complete! - When a building is disabled |
” |
“ | Hehe, I've disabled their building! - When a building is disabled |
” |
“ | Enemy building is disabled! - When a building is disabled |
” |
“ | Okay, okay, I give up! - When surrender |
” |
“ | You got me! - When surrender |
” |
“ | I, I surrender - just don't hurt my computer! - When surrender |
” |
Cut Nuclear Hacker Quotes[]
“ | This briefcase is heavy. - When selected |
” |
“ | Uh... where should I deploy this? - When selected |
” |
“ | I'll start a chain reaction! - When selected |
” |
“ | I'll be careful not to trip it. - When moving |
” |
“ | This is expensive equipment! - When moving |
” |
“ | Hmm... what does this button do? - When planting a suitcase nuke |
” |
“ | Inputting detonation codes! - When planting a suitcase nuke |
” |
“ | I hope I have time to get away...! - When planting a suitcase nuke |
” |
“ | Preparing activation sequence! - When planting a suitcase nuke |
” |
“ | Hmm... what does this button do? - Nuclear Hacker's unused quote |
” |
- Unused voicelines indicate Tsing Shi Tao was to have access to Nuclear Hackers, which can plant Nuclear Suitcase Bombs at any location.
- In Zero Hour, Hackers recycle SFX from Red Guards when killed instead of using their own.
See also[]