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RAR Soviets Logo The following is based on the Soviet campaign of Red Alert and might contradict canon.
The Allied forces have intercepted and destroyed a convoy that carried parts for our secret weapon. One truck remains, but they have captured that last truck and its cargo. This is not acceptable! You are to destroy that truck before the Allies leave the area with it.
- Mission briefing

Liability Elimination is the ninth Soviet mission during its alternate history in Red Alert 1.[1]


Paranoid of Red Army coups, a drunken Stalin persuades a reluctant Marshal Gradenko to sign execution orders for prominent Soviet officers. Presumably, Stalin did not question Gradenko why he abandoned a truck containing elements of the Iron Curtain as a way to test Gradenko's loyalty. Kukov and Nadia, who were spying on Gradenko and Stalin by camera, now tasked the Soviet Commander to destroy the truck, which by then had been salvaged by the Allies, since it now became a liability.

New units[]

  • Mammoth tank
  • SAM Site


The elimination of this truck containing the documents proved a success. Stalin conquers France with great effort despite Allied attempts to hold and defend the Parisian headquarters from being attacked. With the Allies in pockets of resistance, they still hold a convoy of trucks in their grasp and Kukov sends the Commander immediately to southeastern France in rescuing them and bring them to safety.


The player starts off with two Mammoth tanks, but they cannot build any of these new tanks. The player's mission is to destroy a supply truck before it leaves the map, which is initially located at the top of the map, slightly right of the middle.

Fix up all your damaged buildings, and then immediately move all your units to the west to attack the Allied construction yard. This will prevent the Allied forces from establishing a presence there. Once the construction yard is destroyed, move all your forces back to the base for defending. Build a power plant to get sufficient power, and then an airfield for the paratroopers and spy plane support powers. Once paratroopers are ready, land them at the top-center of the map. They should land in the middle of the Allied base with no resistance. Order them to eliminate the supply truck all at once to complete the mission.

Alternatively, a much quicker way to complete the mission is to grab several heavy tanks right at the beginning and chase after the truck. The truck stops for a bit near some Allied tanks, but then drives west unprotected, giving you a chance to intercept it. If for some reason this fails, you can simply restart the mission and try again.


  • Losing the Forward Command Post results in mission failure. This objective is not mentioned anywhere in the briefing.
  • The truck starts in the player’s base and flees north. With a lot of skill, it is possible to instantly destroy it with the V2 rockets before it even leaves the base (see here:



V2 rocket launchers (mission accomplished cutscene)


  1. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Soviet mission 10: "Liability Elimination".
Red Alert, Counterstrike and The Aftermath missions