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Brother Marcus is a Nod commander appearing during the course of Tiberian Twilight Mobile's campaign.


A no-nonsense commander, Marcus commands brethren under his command with a steady hand and complete intolerance for failure. As he says, "You do not want to know the consequences of failure". Kane himself has raised and taught Marcus.[1]

Storyline development[]

GDI campaign[]

A Black Hand zealot, once he caught wind of Kane's plan to ally himself with GDI, he became enraged. He betrayed the Prophet and gathered an army to attack GDI forces. With approval from GDI leadership with whom Kane was negotiating behind the scenes, a GDI commander was dispatched to apprehend Marcus and bring him in.

Nod campaign[]

As the player's commander, Marcus gives out orders and guides him through the first few missions.


  1. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Twilight Mobile. Los Angeles, California: EALA, 2010.
Tiberian Twilight Mobile
CNC3 Nod Logo Prominent members of the Brotherhood of Nod CNC3 Nod Logo