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Command & Conquer Wiki

When player starts the game, they no resources, only a limited amount of units. During the training they get access to Riflemen, Missile troops, Rhino. In the Iron league they get Pitbull (at the first checkpoint), Predator and Shockwave troops (at the second checkpoint), Wolverines and Zone troops (at the third checkpoint).

Initially the crates and daily bonuses give limited payouts:

  • Rewards per bounty: 500 xp and 120 credits per bounty.
  • All crates give out half of their normal output:
    • Common: 6 cards, 35% 1 rare, 0.15% 1 epic, 68-82 credits
    • Uncommon: 7 cards, 1 rare, 5% 1 epic, 68-82 credits
    • Rare: 35 cards: 8 rare, 50% 1 epic, 225-275 credits
    • Epic: 50 cards: 18 rare, 4 epic, 900-1100 credits
    • Colossal: 225 cards: 88 rare, 21 epic, 4050–4950

The price in diamonds is the same though.

Can buy only the 3 GDI daily cards.

Levels can be bought, one level roughly costs 500 diamonds per full level[1], price is reduced as the XP points are earned.

Level Up rewards[]

Level Added units Rewards XP to next lvl Bundle Notes
1 Riflemen Missile Squad Shockwave Troopers

Rhino Pitbull Predator Tank
Wolverine Zone Trooper CNCRiv Strongarm card

4'500 GDI ladder unlocked

Crates give half rewards

Can request 10 Common, 1 Rare

2 Titan Orca Sandstorm 100 Credit, 5 Common 6'500
3 100 Credit, 3 Rare 8'500
4 150 Credit, 5 Common 20'000
5 150 Credit, 3 Rare 20'000 Level 5 Special Offer
6 Talon 150 Credit, 5 Common 20'000
7 Drone Swarm 150 Credit, 10 Common 20'000
8 CNCRiv Liang card 150 Credit, 3 Rare 20'000
9 Militant Laser Squad Flame Troopers

Attack Bikes Buggy Scorpion Tank
CNCRiv Seth card Widowmaker Tick Tank
Centurion Rockworm Cyborg

Nod starter Crate 20'000 Nod Initiate Bundle Nod ladder unlocked

Crates give full rewards

Can deploy 2 harvesters

Can buy Nod cards

10 Banshee 300 Credit, 1 Epic 20'000 Level 10 Special Offer
11 Venom 400 Credit, 15 Common 20'000
12 CNCRiv Kane card 400 Credit, 15 Common 20'000 Additional army layouts
13 Free cloning lab 400 Credit, 4 Rare 30'000 Unlock cloning lab
14 Confessor Jump Jet Troopers 500 Credit, 15 Common 30'000
15 Mutant Marauder Grenadier 500 Credit, 5 Rare 30'000 Level 15 Special Offer
16 Mohawk Gunship 500 Credit, 20 Common 30'000
17 M.L.R.S. 500 Credit, 20 Common 30'000
18 Giga-Cannon 500 Credit, 5 Rare 30'000
19 750 Credit, 20 Common 30'000
20 Laser Drone 750 Credit, 2 Epic 37'500 Level 20 Special Nod Bundle

Level 20 Special GDI Bundle

21 War Dogs 750 Credit, 20 Common 37'500
22 Cyberwheel 750 Credit, 25 Common 37'500
23 Chemical Warriors 750 Credit, 10 Rare 37'500
24 Razorback 1'000 Credit, 25 Common 37'500
25 Scavenger 1'000 Credit, 10 Rare 37'500 Level 25 Special Offer
26 CNCRiv Solomon card CNCRiv McNeil card 1'000 Credit, 30 Common 37'500
27 Fanatic 1'000 Credit, 35 Common 37'500
28 CNCRiv Jade card 1'000 Credit, 10 Rare 37'500
29 Chem Buggy 1'000 Credit, 35 Common 37'500
30 Disruptor 1'000 Credit, 3 Epic 37'500 Level 30 Special GDI Bundle

Level 30 Special Nod Bundle

31 MG Squad 1'000 Credit, 40 Common 37'500
32 Shatterer 1'000 Credit, 40 Common 37'500
33 1'000 Credit, 15 Rare 37'500
34 M.S.V. A.P.C. 1'000 Credit, 50 Common 37'500
35 CNCRiv Jackson card 1'000 Credit, 15 Rare 37'500 Level 35 Special Offer Can request 15 Common
36 Artillery 1'000 Credit, 50 Common 37'500
37 CNCRiv Oxanna card 1'000 Credit, 50 Common 37'500
38 Hammerhead 1'000 Credit, 15 Rare 37'500
39 Phantom 1'200 Credit, 50 Common 37'500
40 Slingshot 1'200 Credit, 4 Epic 50'000 Level 40 Special GDI Bundle

Level 40 Special Nod Bundle

Can request 20 Common, 2 Rare
41 1'200 Credit, 50 Common 50'000
42 Orca Bomber 1'200 Credit, 50 Common 50'000
43 1'200 Credit, 20 Rare 50'000
44 Scarabs 1'200 Credit, 50 Common 50'000
45 1'500 Credit, 20 Rare 50'000 Level 45 Special Offer Can request 25 Common
46 Sniper Team 1'500 Credit, 50 Common 50'000
47 1'500 Credit, 50 Common 50'000
48 Flame Tank 1'500 Credit, 20 Rare 50'000
49 2'000 Credit, 50 Common 50'000
50 Kodiak 2'000 Credit, 5 Epic 50'000 Level 50 Special Nod Bundle

Level 50 Special GDI Bundle

Can request 30 Common, 3 Rare
51 2'000 Credit, 75 Common 50'000
52 Basilisk 2'000 Credit, 75 Common 50'000
53 2'000 Credit, 25 Rare 50'000
54 Stealth Tank 2'000 Credit, 75 Common 50'000
55 2'000 Credit, 25 Rare 50'000 Level 55 Special Nod Bundle

Level 55 Special GDI Bundle

Can request 35 Common
56 Juggernaut 2'000 Credit, 100 Common 50'000
57 2'000 Credit, 100 Common 50'000
58 Inferno 2'000 Credit, 25 Rare 50'000
59 Mammoth Tank 3'000 Credit, 100 Common 50'000
60 Avatar 3'000 Credit, 7 Epic 50'000 Level 60 Special Nod Bundle

Level 60 Special GDI Bundle

Can request 40 Common, 4 Rare
MAX 3'800 Credit, 125Common
25Rare 3Epic

Level Up bundles[]

When unlocking new units, the game might provide a Level Up bundle, which contains cards for the unlocked unit and credits.

Unit type Cards Credits Value Price
Common 450 12'000 2.2× 600 d
Rare 100 12'000 1'000 d
Epic 15 12'000 2.2× 1'200 d

Level Up bundles expire in 2 days and the higher level the player has, the more bundles per unlocked unit they can buy.

Player level Available bundles
1 – 20 2
21 – 30 3
31 – 60 4

