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Command & Conquer Wiki

This is a list of skirmish maps in Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun and Tiberian Sun: Firestorm.

Tiberian Sun maps[]

Map name Image Environment Players Size
A River Runs Near It -
Casey's Canyon -
Cliffs of Insanity -
Desolation Redux -
Forest Fires Forest Fires Temperate 4-8 Large
Grand Canyon -
Grassy Knoll -
Hextreme! -
Ice Cliffs -
Limited Access -
Night of the Mutants -
Pentagram -
Pit or Plateau -
Pockets -
Seismic Seismic Temperate 2-4 Large
Sinkholes -
Storms Storms Temperate 4-6 Large
Stormy Valley -
Tactical Opportunities -
Terrace -
The Ice Must Floe -
Tiberium Garden Redux Tiberium Garden Redux Temperate 2-5 Large
Tread Lightly -

Firestorm maps[]

Map name Image Environment Players Size
Cityscape Cityscap Temperate 4-6 Large
Drawbridges Drawbrid Temperate 8
Dueling Islands Duel Temperate 2
Hidden Valley 2temp7 Temperate 4
Hot Springs Springs Snow 2
Narrow River Narrow Temperate 6
Nowhere to Run 1ice6 Snow 6
Permafrost Permfrst Snow 4
River Raid Rivrrad4 Temperate 8
Theme Park 1lworld7 Temperate 4
They All Float Float Temperate 2
Tiberium Forest 3tweak10 Temperate 4
Tiers of Sorrow Tiers Temperate 2
Xcapades Xcapades Snow 4
Skirmish maps