The sonic tank is the advanced support vehicle of House Atreides in Dune II.
Developed by the Atreides the sonic tank utilizes sound waves technology to fire a powerful blast of sonic energy at its target. The high energy frequencies break down the molecular structure of affected victims.
Game unit[]
The sonic tank fires with an area of effect - all friendly and enemy buildings (except walls), ground units, and sandworms will be damaged if they are touched by the sonic blast. The sonic blast can pass unhindered through any object or terrain, thus damaging any nearby units behind.
However, the sonic tank itself is immune from the sonic blast attacks, both friendly and enemy. The sonic tank's blast also does not affect spice fields, making it useful for clearing out and securing a spice field from the enemy while keeping the resource intact.
In the Atreides campaign, the sonic tank is available to the player by the 7th mission.
- The sonic tank's attack range is suppose to cover the whole sceen, but the range is actually determined by the game speed setting. If set to "Very Fast" the attack range covers the whole screen, however if set to "Very Slow" the range only covers half the screen.
See also[]
- Devastator, Harkonnen counterpart
- Deviator, Ordos counterpart