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Command & Conquer Wiki

The construction yard is the heart of every Soviet base in Red Alert Mobile.

Game building[]

The construction yard can build the following structures:


Icon Name Description
RAM Sprite S Con Yard Construction yard
  • Soviet's primary construction center
  • Can be constructed if previous construction yard was destroyed
RAM Sprite S Tesla Reactor Tesla reactor
  • Soviet's power supply
  • Provides +200 power units
RAM Sprite S Refinery Refinery
  • Soviet's resource processor
  • Produces a continuous flow of credits
RAM Sprite S Barracks Barracks
  • Soviet's infantry training center
  • Requires a Tesla reactor to be built
RAM Sprite S War Factory War factory
  • Soviet's vehicle production facility
  • Requires a refinery to be built
RAM Sprite S Battle Lab Battle lab
  • Soviet's tech access and superweapon
  • Requires an armor facility to be built
RAM Sprite S Airfield Airfield
  • Soviet's aircraft production facility
  • Requires a battle lab to be built


Icon Name Description
RAM Sprite S Tesla Coil Tesla coil
  • Soviet's anti-surface base defense
  • Requires a barracks to be built
RAM Sprite S Flak Cannon Flak cannon
  • Soviet's anti-aircraft base defense
  • Requires a barracks to be built


See also[]

RAM Logo Soviets Red Alert iOS Soviet Arsenal RAM Logo Soviets