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This page includes a transcript of The Rio Insurrection, the first mission of Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath.[1]

Movie 01: Kane Lives!

"Kane returns to plot his vengeance anew."


Caption: 2034

In a rundown computer room, KANE, his face still half-covered in cybernetics, enters. The ground shakes with artillery fire. He activates a computer in the center of the room

Kane: They've abandoned us, my child. Brotherhood of Nod has been broken. You are the only one who has not forsaken me.

Kane displays various images of Second Tiberium War-era GDI forces

Kane: At this very moment, McNeil and his GDI lackeys celebrate in what they are calling the Second Tiberium War. They have the Tacitus, but no understanding of its true purpose. Our technology has failed us.

Kane displays an image of CABAL's avatar

Kane: CABAL... is no more...

CABAL: (in recording) Listen to the sounds of your own extinction!

Kane: ...though his memory lives on. Our enemies believe we have been defeated, and that I am no longer among the living. They are gravely mistaken. You and I are all that remained, but all that is necessary, for together we will raise a great army, together we will show the world's downtrodden who the real enemy is! GDI promises them prosperity, but in the slums of Rio, the homeless and hungry know the truth! They have been forgotten, they have nothing! But! Their! Anger! We will take that spark and start a fire which will become a great conflagration! Peace! Through! Power!


The slums of Rio seethe with anger, anger against GDI. It would take but a single act to spur the disenfranchised masses into open insurrection.

An act you must perform.

Tear down GDI's authoritarian edifices, the symbols of their autocracy. Seize the radio stations and flood the airwaves with the Prophet's message.

Incite rebellion.

Rio will burn, and in the flames Kane's army shall be reborn.

Mission script

"Rio is ripe for rebellion.

Be its catalyst."

Kane: Rio is rife with the angry, the disenfranchised. A powder keg of rebellion ready to ignite. Soon, the flames of insurrection shall flicker... and rise.

Incoming transmission

Nod AI: Destroy the GDI administration centers, and spark rebellion in the city.

New bonus objective

Nod AI: We must seize control of the airwaves. Capture the radio stations and spread Kane's message of insurrection.

(When Nod forces approach one of the radio stations)

Nod Soldier: Take Kane's prophecy to the airwaves!

Nod Soldier: Seize the radio stations!

(When Nod forces destroy a GDI unit)

Nod Soldier: Not so tough now, are you?

(When Nod forces attack an administration building

Nod Soldier: We have been under GDI's bootheel too long!

(When all four administration buildings have been destroyed)

The Nod commander receives a video message from the RIO WARLORD.

Rio Warlord: Who dares challenge our supremacy? The Brotherhood is dead, rotting with the heretic Kane! We're the true heirs of Nod, as it is written! Retreat! Withdraw! Or join your fool prophet in oblivion.

Kane: And so as Rio burns, they crawl from the woodworks. The splinter factions, the heretics. The unbelievers, divided, weak. We shall bring them unity. Unity in the arms of the Brotherhood, or unity in death.

Nod Soldier: Kane is the true Messiah!

Incoming transmission

Nod AI: This splinter faction dares oppose Kane. Eliminate them.

New bonus objective

Nod AI: Certain disruption towers may be decoys. Use power scan to reveal the splinter faction base.

(After destroying a decoy disruption tower)

Nod Soldier: The disruption tower's a decoy!

(After the splinter faction construction yard is heavily damaged)

Rio Warlord: Brother... Friend... I beseech you, cease your assault. We lay our weapons at your feet and swear fidelity. In the name of Kane! The one true Prophet! I beg you, I beg you! Spare our lives!

(After all four radio stations have been captured)

Kane: Unrest... Discontent... This is the very lifeblood of Nod. To stoke such rebellion is to strip GDI of their popular support, to weaken the very foundations of their supposed mandate. Rio shall be purified in the flames of rebellion!

New bonus objective

Nod AI: The splinter faction commander is targeting your radio stations, defend them. (Note: This message plays even if the radio stations were captured before the splinter faction commander appears.)


Primary Objectives

  • Destroy GDI Administration Centers
    • We must inspire the masses to rebel against GDI. Destroy these oligarchic symbols and Fanatics shall flock to our cause.
  • Destroy Splinter Faction Construction Yard
    • The Splinter Faction Commander dares blaspheme against the Prophet. Teach him the error of his ways.

Secondary Objectives

  • Capture GDI Radio Stations
    • These radio stations broadcast nothing but GDI lies. Capture them and the faithful shall be inspired to fight harder than ever before - and we may even gain new weapons for the uprising.
  • Defend Captured Radio Stations
    • The Splinter Faction Commander fears our growing influence, and will stop at nothing to curtail it. Defend our Radio Stations.
  • Defend Captured Radio Stations
    • The Splinter Faction stealth their bases with Disruption Towers. Use your Power Signature Scan ability to reveal them.


  1. Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath. Nod mission 1: "The Rio Insurrection".

Template:Kane's Wrath transcripts
