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The attack buggy was Nod's primary recon unit during the Second Tiberium War and the Firestorm Conflict.


The attack buggy is a small 4x4 unit, used by Nod for reconnaissance missions and fighting mainly against infantry. It carries twin roof mounted raider cannons and is piloted by a single soldier[1]. It is very similar to the Buggy used by Nod in the First Tiberium War, sharing the same large 4 wheel off-road tyre design that gives it great speed and mobility across most surfaces while also fulfilling the same role.

It was succeeded by the Raider buggy by the Second Nod Reunification War.

Game unit[]

AI behavior[]

Attack Buggies controlled by the AI have the following attack patterns:


  • 1x targeting infantry
    • This task force may be accompanied by 1 additional Attack Buggy or 1 Cyborg
  • 1x guarding base
    • This task force may be accompanied by 1 additional Attack Buggy


  • 4x targeting infantry
    • This task force may be accompanied by 4 additional Attack Buggies (Hard only) or 4 Cyborgs
  • 4x guarding base
    • This task force may be accompanied by 4 additional Attack Buggies (Hard only)


  • The attack buggy's entry was omitted from the Tiberian Sun and The First Decade manuals.


See also[]


  1. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun. Animation: unstpble.vqa.
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