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Command & Conquer Wiki

Airports are civilian structures designed for the commercial traffic of passenger aircraft. During wartime, however, these buildings could be captured and the planes commandeered by an engineer for their use. They are usually used to coordinate a paradrop consisting of the respective faction's main infantry. The transport plane used to carry paratroopers may be modeled after real life US C-130 transport aircraft.

In the mission Romanov on the Run in Yuri's Revenge, a tech airport was an evacuation zone for the stranded Soviet premier Alexander Romanov.

It looks slightly different in the map with desert, new-urban or lunar theater, where its footprint is square-shaped rather than being angular.

Game building[]



The paradrop consists of six G.I.s for the Allies, nine conscripts for the Soviets, or six initiates for Yuri.


See also[]

Tech Structures & Neutral Forces