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I got something up my sleeve for you, Commander. Why don't you come a little closer to my base?
- General Krukov to the Allied Commander(src)

The Vacuum Imploder is the Soviet Union's ultimate weapon developed during the Third World War.


RA3 Soviet logo The following is based on the Soviet campaign of Red Alert 3 and might contradict canon.

When the Soviet Commander attacked an Allied research facility in Mykonos, Greece to capture the research data of a superweapon that was nearing completion, the combat engineer responsible for extracting the data wondered out loud what subatomic particles have to do with weapons, and later said that the data could theoretically be used to make a "giant vacuum cleaner". This data later became the basis for the Vacuum Imploder.

Game structure[]

The Vacuum Imploder, when ready, fires a Vacuum missile at anywhere on the battlefield. The missile forms a singularity, sucking in all nearby enemy units, no matter their size, and heavily damaging structures. Any units caught in the singularity are instantly destroyed.

Should the player use the Vacuum Imploder against a large enemy group, it may be very profitable to activate Cash Bounty military protocol as the victims orbit the singularity before being destroyed. This is similar to using the Magnetic Singularity near a large group of vehicles, followed by Cash Bounty, and then the Magnetic Satellite.



  • This is the only superweapon that can destroy an MCV or a Giga Fortress in one hit.
  • Units sucked into the singularity can still be sucked out by the Magnetic Satellite.
  • Similar to Magnetic Satellite, if the singularity is formed while a unit like Sickle or Cryo Legionnaire is jumping, the landing animation is still played, even though the unit itself has been sucked in. A jumping Reaper would still spawn its legless version on the ground.
  • The Vacuum Imploder can suck up even the Repair drones.
  • In March 3, 2014 EDM group called Audeka have created a song with the same name as a tribute for that superweapon.[1]
  • In the gameplay video narrated by Chris Corry, the Vacuum Imploder was originally called the Red Giant Launch Bay.


See also[]

RA3 Soviet logo Soviet Red Alert 3 Arsenal RA3 Soviet logo