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Command & Conquer Wiki

This page includes a transcript of Meet Redmond Boyle, the introductory cutscene for the Alexandria mission in Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1]


Granger learns that Nod is developing a vastly destructive Liquid Tiberium Weapon.


[GDI Central Command]
[Washington, DC]
[Blue Zone B-2]

Granger: Good, you're back commander. That facility you captured in Casabad turned out to be a treasure trove of information. Unfortunately, the situation's worse than I feared: Nod is building a Tiberium weapon. Dr. Giraud down at G-Tech is leading the analysis team. [Opens live transmission] Doctor, what else can you tell us?

Giraud: Nod has found a way to weaponize liquid Tiberium. This much is certain. Our raw data is still preliminary, but we believe a liquid Tiberium explosion would have a yield roughly 10 times greater than a 200 megaton thermonuke. Now the proper catalyst, such a blast may also create, a self-sustaining exothermic reaction.

Granger: You're talking about a chain reaction.

Giraud: Precisely. Any proximate Tiberium deposit, liquid or crystal, would be... instantly detonated.

Granger: My god, in a Yellow Zone that could be thousands and thousands of acres... Thank you doctor, keep me informed. [Ends transmission] This changes everything...

Granger (to player): Commander, seizing that liquid Tiberium device before Nod deploys it, that has to become our number one priority. I want you to take out that port in Alexandria, we can't let them start exporting components out of Egypt. When you've put those problems to bed, then you can focus on Cairo.


  1. Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Cinematic: "A Terrifying Discovery".
Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath transcripts