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This page includes a transcript of Ayers Rock, the thirteenth Nod mission of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1]


Kilian's Australian headquarters base at Ayers Rock

(Brother Against Brother is the briefing cinematic)

Loading screen[]

This is a sad day when Brother must fight Brother. Use a small force to capture the southern rebel base and then use the resources you've acquired to secure Kilian's headquarters facility on Ayers Rock. Kill anyone who gets in your way but leave Kilian alive to face Kane. Note that GDI is deploying a forward base to the east and they are none too happy about what happened in Sydney. Expect a large GDI assault shortly after the battle for Ayers Rock goes down as GDI moves in for the kill.

Mission script[]

Confronting Kilian[]

Incoming transmission...
1. Capture Kilian's southern base
Nod AI: Gain control of Kilian's southern base by capturing the Operations Center and the Construction Yard. Do not allow your Saboteurs to die.

Nod AI: Funds transferred.

Nod AI: Kilian's southern base has turned to your side.

Nod AI: Battlefield expanded.

Incoming transmission...
2. Capture or Destroy the Temple of Nod
Nod AI: Capture or destroy the Temple of Nod to gain control of Kilian's base on Ayers Rock. Do not destroy Kilian's headquarters.

Nod soldier: Kilian will pay for her betrayal!

New bonus objective
1. Capture Three Tiberium Silos
Nod AI: Capture all the Tiberium Silos in the area to fund your operations.
New bonus objective
2. Recruit Five Mutant Marauder Squads
Nod AI: Recruit Mutants from the Mutant Hovel to support your army.
On completing bonus objective 2
Nod AI: We have recruited mutants to our cause.
(Intelligence data updated: Nod Archives - Mutant Exodus)
On attacking Kilian's Temple of Nod
Nod soldier: We got Kilian's backed into a corner!

Kilian's soldier: For Kilian!

Nod AI: Kilian's northern base has turned to your side. GDI reinforcements approaching from the north.

Nod soldier: Kilian's captured! Let's go get GDI.

Eliminating GDI[]

Incoming transmission...
3. Prevent GDI from using the Ion Cannon
Nod AI: GDI has deployed an Ion Cannon. Eliminate it before they use it on Kilian's headquarters.
4. Eliminate the GDI Base
Nod AI: Eliminate the GDI base to the northeast of Ayers Rock. Do not let them destroy Kilian's headquarters. Revenge is for Kane alone.

Nod AI: Mission accomplished.


  1. Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Nod mission 13: "Ayers Rock".
Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath transcripts