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Command & Conquer Wiki

This page includes a transcript of Background on the Conflict, the first cutscene on the background of the First Tiberium War in the GDI campaign of Command & Conquer. The cutscene appears before the Stolen Property and Reinforce Bialystok missions.[1]


EVA: Sanctioned by the United Nations, the Global Defense Initiative has one goal: eliminate multinational terrorism in an effort to preserve freedom.

GDI markers are pinpointed to:

EVA: The Brotherhood of Nod, an ancient and secret society, maintains strong ties with most global terrorist organizations.

Image of Kane appears.

EVA: Commanded by this man, known only as Kane, Nod's long term goals are unknown. However, recent activities include expansionary behavior into disenfranchised nations, high-volume investment in global trade markets, aggressive manipulation of international mass media.

Nod markers are pinpointed to:

EVA: These efforts are suspected to be funded by large access to vast Tiberium deposits.

EVA: Tiberium continues to confound the scientific community, soaking up ground minerals and soil nutrients like a sponge.

[Hazardous gasses:]
[22% Methane]
[19% Sulfur]
[12% Naphthalene]
[10% Argon]
[6% Isobutane]
[2% Xylene]
[22% Unknown]

EVA: The end result of this unique bleaching process creates the formation of Tiberium crystals, rich in precious metals and available for collection with the minimum of mining expense.


  1. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer. Animation: "background on the conflict", bkground.vqa.
Tiberian Dawn transcripts