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Command & Conquer Wiki

This page includes a transcript of Brother Against Brother, the briefing cinematic to the Ayers Rock mission in the Nod campaign of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1]


Ajay briefs you on the mission to take Kilian's Australian HQ.


Ajay's Briefing[]

[Field Command Post]
[King's Canyon, Australia]
[Yellow Zone Y-4]

Ajay: Hell yeah! Didn't I tell you Kane was still kickin'? Okay, first you gotta have to storm the base, then once you secured it you'll have to wipe out Kilian's forces. She'll be forced to surrender... and then she'll have to answer to the man.

Kilian's Pleas[]

Ayers Rock is once again under heavy attack.

Kilian: Commander, Kane's ordering our soldiers to stand down against the invaders. It's insanity, they're getting slaughtered out there! I respect your loyalty to Kane, but for the sake of the Brotherhood, for the sake of all mankind, I am begging you to please abort this mission! Together, you and I, we can figure out a way to turn this around... Please Commander, you're my only hope...

Nod soldier: INCOMING!

[Kilian ducks for cover as transmission cuts to static]


  1. Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Cinematic: "Brother Against Brother".
Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath transcripts