This page includes a transcript of Conflict at the Top, the opening cutscene to the Eastern Europe missions, Act III of the GDI campaign of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1]
Boyle hosts a press conference and then confronts Granger over the strategy for assaulting Temple Prime and ending the war.
W3N Reports[]
[Brittany Murphy]
[Nod WMDs]
[Northeastern Blue Zone][sic]
Murphy: Late reports of Nod using WMDs has paralyzed an already reeling populace here in Vancouver...
[Cassandra Blair]
[Nod WMDs]
[Northeastern GDI Administration Center]
Blair: ...but we've just learned that a series of daring GDI raids in North Africa have eliminated the WMD threat...
[William Frank]
[Nod WMDs]
Frank: ...driving Nod forces in the region underground. However, we now have word that Nod forces are starting to converge on Sarajevo. There's even some speculation that a new Nod Temple may have been secretly constructed beneath the ruins of their old Temple, destroyed back in the First Tiberium War.
Boyle's Press Conference[]
[Director Redmond Boyle]
[GDI Press Conference]
Boyle: I'm sorry, but I do not have reliable intel on this new Nod Temple in Sarajevo at this time.
Reporter: That's what you said about the Casabad lab, but clearly somebody in the military had that intel.
Boyle: Evidently, but one simple communications error is nothing to start a controversy over. The situation has been rectified I assure you.
Crowd of reporters begin asking questions.
Boyle: Next. [Points in crowd]
Reporter: Does that mean you're now making all the strategic military decisions?
Boyle: Oh, now that's what I call jumping to conclusions. Look, will I be deciding how many tanks to deploy, what kind of missiles to fire, what color camouflage to wear? Of course not, but I will be involved in all of the important decisions from this point forward. Believe me, Nod will reap what it sow-
W3N broadcast is interrupted by a Nod transmission.
Kane: Mr. Boyle is correct about one thing: Nod will reap what it had sown: the seeds of GDI's destruction. Righteousness has only one allegiance and that is to the oppressed. Our sacred Brotherhood, inheritors of this glorious Tiberium world. Look to the skies my children, a new dawn is rising in the east. Ascension awaits the faithful.
Conflict at the Top[]
[GDI Central Command]
[Washington, DC]
[Blue Zone B-2]
Granger: I took an action that I thought to be correct.
Boyle: I understand general, but I cannot, I will not be out of the loop again. [Turns around]
Boyle (to player): Commander, just the man I wanted to see! I've been giving a great deal of thought to our strategy in Sarajevo and I believe our next move must be emphatic, nothing less than the annihilation of Nod's Temple.
Granger: That is out of the question, we've already wasted way too many assets trying to take down that god damn Temple!
Boyle: Fair enough, but I refuse to believe we haven't learned tactical lessons from those losses.
Granger: Our troops are spread thin, we cannot afford any more expensive lessons.
Boyle: But we can't afford generous hesitation, we all saw Kane's broadcast! Time is of the essence here, GDI needs a major victory, something the media can get behind and run with, and I for one have every confidence that our commander can deliver... I hope I made myself clear.
Granger: ... Yes sir...
Boyle leaves.
Granger (to player): This mission is ill-advised to say the least, but if you're going to take it on you'll need to establish a foothold in the region, work from there. Kirce will walk you through the appropriate strategy. Good luck.
InOps Briefing[]
[InOps Combat Intelligence Center]
[Washington, DC]
[Blue Zone B-2]
James: During the Second Tiberium War, we set up a forward base in Croatia. It's fallen under heavy attack from Nod, but if you can secure it we'll send a supply convoy to establish a strong foothold in the region. Once that's in place we can cut off Nod's supply lines and then mount an attack on Kane's little hideout in Sarajevo. Good luck commander, you'll need it.
- ↑ Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Cinematic: "Conflict at the Top".