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Command & Conquer Wiki

This page includes a transcript of Delay at All Costs, the briefing cinematic to Operation Stiletto, the sixteenth and penultimate Nod mission in Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1]


Wreak havoc in order to give the Visitors time to build their tower.


Kane observes a battle between GDI and Scrin forces.

Kane: Look at them... fighting like ants. Oblivious to the fate awaiting them. In time they would annihilate each other... but time is not on our side. This battle endangers the Tower, so I want you to lay waste to both armies, GDI and the Visitors. More Nod forces are en route for the final stand, but you won't need them Commander. Simply use GDI and the Visitor's own weapons against them. Destroy everything that moves.


  1. Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Cinematic: "Delay at All Costs".
Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath transcripts