This page includes a transcript of Kane Lives?, the eleventh cutscene of the campaign in Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath.[1]
Alexa is distraught at Kane's death and Kilian's subsequent betrayal, but all is not as it seems.
LEGION is shown a video of the ion cannon strike on Temple Prime, which caused a massive liquid Tiberium detonation. The video zooms out to show a distraught Alexa.
Alexa: Temple Prime lost... Kane dead.... How can this be?
A video message plays, showing Kilian Qatar addressing the Brotherhood.
Kilian: No one can replace Kane... But it is now my duty, my blood oath to lead our Brotherhood through this trying time. And I say there is no time for mourning, we must turn our grief to anger and leave the past behind us. We must put all talk of Ascension aside. Our only goal should be to take back this...
Kilian's broadcast is interrupted by a communication from Kane.
Alexa: ...Kane?
Kane: We will deal with General Qatar in time. Her lack of faith is indeed lamentable and she will pay for her betrayal. But for now, however, we have more pressing concerns.
Alexa: How did you survive?
Kane: I wasn't at Temple Prime, Abbess. That was simply the bait.
Alexa: You wanted GDI to use the ion cannon?
Kane: Redmond Boyle did exactly as I predicted. After all, he is a politician.
Kane's broadcast maximizes.
Kane: And as the killer of Kane, he is now a hero. A hero who has no idea what he has unleashed. Soon, however, the entire planet will know.
The scene cuts to a video showing a Scrin drone ship crashing into a Red Zone, followed by footage of Scrin units attacking a Blue Zone city.
Kane (v/o): For the Visitors are arriving even as we speak. Only the ion cannon could generate enough energy to create a chain reaction in the liquid Tiberium. The energy released was so extraordinary it captured the attention of our Visitors, just as the Tacitus prophesied.
The scene cuts back to Kane.
Kane: The Visitors are constructing towers all across the Earth and we must stop GDI from destroying them. For they will be portals. Gateways to a civilization far beyond our own. There is much for us to learn, my child. Much for us to learn.
- ↑ Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath. Cinematic: "Kane Lives?".