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This page includes a transcript of Kilian Takes Over, the introductory cinematic to the Australia missions, Act IV of the Nod campaign of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1]


Kilian reports on Kane's death and announces that she has taken over as the supreme leader of the Brotherhood of Nod; Ajay is in shock.


Good Soldiers Follow Orders[]

[72 hours later]

[Field Command Post]
[Australian Outback]
[Yellow Zone Y-4]

Ajay: [Cocks gun] After her little stunt in Sarajevo, I say Kilian ain't worth the bullets to save her. But hey, we're not gonna start second-guessing Kane like she does. Nope, cause if there's one thing I learned from you, it's that a good soldier follows orders, right?

Let the Earth be Transformed[]

A Nod reporter broadcasts the final moments of the siege on Temple Prime just before the Ion Cannon strike.

[Satellite Transmission]

Reporter: Are you willing, are you willing? Okay, I'm outside Temple Prime and the news here is terrible. Kane's plan has failed! We can see GDI soldiers stealing our Tiberium weapon and just hours ago, there was a raid on the Temple. We heard shots fired- [Gets down from explosion] So far there's no sign of Kane, we fear that he may still be trapped inside the Temple... Wait I'm... I'm getting word right now that GDI is... they're moving an Ion Cannon into position...

The reporter looks towards Temple Prime (offscreen). The Ion Cannon is heard beginning its firing sequence.

Reporter: Let the Earth be transformed... and all those who believe in the power of Tiberium be transformed with it... Let the Earth be transformed... [Static]

Kilian Takes Over[]


[Command Center]
[Ayers Rock, Australia]
[Yellow Zone Y-4]

Kilian: Children of Nod, I bring grave news. As many of you know, we were building a liquid Tiberium weapon at our Temple Prime in hopes of ending this awful war. Those hopes were killed, along with our leader Kane, when GDI destroyed our most holy site. We do not have all the details yet, but it appears the Ion Cannon blast set off a liquid Tiberium explosion beneath the Temple. The damage to our Yellow Zone is unspeakable, our casualties in the millions.

Video replays of the liquid Tiberium detonation by the Ion Cannon strike.

Kilian: No one can replace Kane, but it is now my duty, my blood oath, to lead this Brotherhood through this trying time, and I say there is no time for mourning. We must turn our grief into anger and leave that past behind us. We must put all talk of Ascension aside! Our only goal should be to take back this planet, one continent at a time. Tiberium is our divine birthright, those of you who embrace it will inherit the Earth. Those of you who defile it will feel our fury. Follow me, my children, and I will lead us to victory against GDI.

Ajay's Briefing[]

Ajay: I don't believe this... I grew up near here... and I don't care what Kilian says, Kane is not dead! He's too smart, he wouldn't let that happen. No way he'd bail on us like that, there's no way! You hear about Kilian's new plan? She want's to steal GDI's nukes, level the playing field. She calls Kane too aggressive, what a joke. [Sighs] And look at this, Kilian just put out her first high directive. She wants all military personnel in Australia. That's our last stand. Guess we've got no choice, an order's an order... but man, that sure takes the fun out of being Nod.


  1. Electronic Arts, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Cinematic: "Kilian Takes Over".
Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath transcripts