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This page includes a transcript of Langley Air Force Base, the third GDI mission of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1]


Recapture Langley Air Force Base from Nod forces to regain air support

James: Nod's taken away our air support for this region. We're going to take it back. Your best bet is a coastal landing to reinforce a small GDI outpost still holding on. From there you can mount an offensive while I prepare some naval support.

Loading screen[]

Nod forces have overrun all of the major GDI air fields in the region. Your mission is to retake Langley Air Force Base, home of the Air Combat Command. A small GDI outpost near the coast might be useful as a base of operations. We'll drop your team off nearby. Once the outpost is secure, take back our airfields, get some Orca scout aircraft in the air, and then drive Nod out of the area.

Mission script[]

Incoming transmission...
1. Eliminate the Nod forces attacking the GDI base
EVA: This GDI base is the last fighting resistance in the area. Eliminate the assaulting Nod forces to take control of the base.

(Intelligence data updated: GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems - Command Post)

Incoming transmission...
2. Reclaim the GDI Airfields to the northeast
EVA: Commander, there are two functional hangars left. If we can take them back, the Orca could provide air support for our troops.
Establishing video uplink...
James: Commander, Nod forces are attacking our airfields. We need to get in there ASAP and save the key structures.
New bonus objective
1. Rescue all 4 Snipers from Bravo Squad
EVA: Bravo Squad is scattered throughout the city. Find them.
On rescuing the first Sniper Team
Sniper: Thanks for getting me out of that mess! I didn't think High Command would respond so quickly.

Sniper: We can get in there and designate a target for bombardment.
EVA: The GDI Snipers can designate targets for long-range bombardment from artillery pieces. Select an artillery piece such as the battleship and click the 'Bombardment' button to activate it.

On rescuing the Sniper Team to the east
Sniper: Bravo 1 reporting for duty!
On rescuing the Sniper Team to the west
Sniper: Bravo 2 here, proceed with caution, this place is crawling with Nod.
On rescuing two Sniper Teams
EVA: There are two more Bravo Squads in the city, Commander.
On completing bonus objective 1
(Intelligence data updated: GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems - Sniper Team)
New bonus objective
2. Recapture the Tiberium Refinery in the city
EVA: There is a Tiberium Refinery located in the city to the west. Capture it to gain additional resources and improve your rate of income.
Incoming transmission...
3. Destroy the Nod base to the northwest
EVA: Nod is controlling the area with a large base to the northwest. The base is well defended against ground attacks.
Establishing video uplink... (on completing main objective 2)
James: Great job rescuing the airfields, Commander. Now you have access to Orcas. I recommend you use them to help you take out that Nod base.

Orca pilot: Thanks for finding us a place to land, Commander. We were almost out of fuel. Gold Squadron, let's help our Commander here take back our airfield!

(Intelligence data updated: GDI InOps - Calling for Transport)
(Intelligence data updated: GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems - Airfield)
(Intelligence data updated: GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems - Orca Attack Aircraft)

EVA: Commander, with the Airfields recaptured, Call for Transport is now online. Call for Transport is a unit ability on all infantry and most vehicles, which allows them to call for an Ox transport. Call for Transport is useful for getting units past natural barriers and ground defenses.

EVA: Mission accomplished.



  1. Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. GDI mission 3: "Langley AFB".
Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath transcripts