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Command & Conquer Wiki

This page includes a transcript of London, the first Scrin mission of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1]


Distract attention from Threshold construction activities by attacking major indigenous population centers

Loading screen[]

Foreman, you've been commissioned a small army to begin attacking the major indigenous population center on the island near Continent Three. This attack will proceed in concert with other assaults on all significant population centers. The intent is to distract the indigenous population from initial Threshold construction and intimidate them to the point where they will not threaten ongoing construction efforts. Assess defensive and offensive capabilities. Eliminate all life forms you come across.

Mission script[]

Civilian: Look at the size of those things! Oh my god, we're being invaded!
Civilian: Oh my god, what is that?!
Civilian: Grab the kids! Move! Move!

Incoming transmission...
1. Destroy 15 civilian buildings in the city
Scrin AI: Commence destruction of this indigenous region in order to provoke a response and ascertain their defensive capabilities.

[Buildings Destroyed: 0] (counter)

Civilian: AHHH!!!

Orca pilot: Attention GDI Central Command, we have alien contact. Repeat, we have alien contact. Requesting- [Static]

Incoming transmission...
2. Destroy the GDI presence
Scrin AI: Response provoked. Destroy any hostiles you come across, along with any of their production structures. A Drone Ship has been deployed to facilitate base construction for this offensive.

(Intelligence data updated: Warp Link - All Units Functional)

New bonus objective
1. Destroy the structures known as 'Parliament' and 'Big Ben'
Scrin AI: These structures seem iconic to the humans. Reduce them to rubble to demonstrate our power.
New bonus objective
2. Destroy 'Buckingham Palace'
Scrin AI: The humans seem fond of defending this structure. Perhaps destroying it will send them feeling in fear.
New bonus objective
3. Construct Growth Accelerators at each of the Ichor fields
Scrin AI: Ichor concentration in this area is extremely low and contained. Construct Growth Accelerators at each Ichor fields to increase its spread.
On completing bonus objective 3
(Intelligence data updated: Warp Link - Unexpected Developments)
On eliminating the GDI presence
(Intelligence data updated: Warp Link - A Campaign of Distraction)

Scrin AI: Mission accomplished.


  1. Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Scrin mission 1: "London".
Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath transcripts