This page includes a transcript of Nod Splintered, a cut cinematic that would have been played after The Rio Insurrection mission in Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath.[1] It has been replaced by the Marcion Reviled cinematic.
Kane rips off a web of tangled wires and throws them onto a servant.
Kane: You torched off the tinder and now the fire begins to burn. Rio is in flames... and the civilian population is up in arms. You have created a great uprising! The full-scale insurrection against the jackboot that is GDI... this delivered act of defiance has captured the attention of Nod's scattered remnants.
Kane plays a video of Brother Marcion making a speech to the Black Hand.
Marcion: The great deceiver has been defeated! Kane, the son of Adam, who murdered his own brother, wandered the earth a fugitive because he turned against on his own!
Kane ends the video.
Kane: The Brotherhood is now a splintered collection of opposing factions. We must work quickly to bring them to heel. Do what you must to convince them my child, for if they stand against us... they will become as dust...
- ↑ Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath. Cinematic: "Nod Splintered".