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This page includes a transcript of Recovery Mission, the opening cutscene to the Eastern Europe missions, Act III of the Nod campaign of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1]


Kane demands that you recover his missing weapon components.


Kilian Finds Out[]

[Temple Prime]
[Near Sarajevo]
[Yellow Zone Y-1]

Kilian: Good job, commander. Not only did you accomplish your mission, you also exposed Kane's plan. Come here, have a look.

Kilian opens up a display of the Liquid Tiberium bomb.

Kilian: He's building a Liquid Tiberium bomb. See the core spreaders here? These keep the Liquid-T from corrupting the casing. It makes no sense. This was Kane's plan to win the war. Why didn't he share it with me? Well that's not your concern, commander. I will deal with it when the time is right. We have more pressing concerns in Australia, that's where I'm headed now. I could certainly use you there, but Kane has insisted that you stay here in Sarajevo. He should be arriving back at Temple Prime momentarily... I hope that I could trust you to keep my concerns between us. Alright then, good luck commander. I think we're both going to need it.

Ajay's Briefing[]


[Field Command Post]
[Near Sarajevo]
[Yellow Zone Y-1]

Ajay: Just when we thought we were done... I don't know how the hell they knew, commander, but GDI just shot down the transport carrying Kane's device and he wants it recovered pronto. The whole area is crawling with GDI so you're gonna have to sneak through to the crash site. I'll contact you once you're there. Good luck, commander. This one's gonna be dicey.

Recovery Mission[]

Advisor: Construction is very close to being complete with the exception of the missing components from Brazil. The detonator and the triggers are in place for a staged radiation implosion in the crystal lattices reservoirs. However, the blast yield still may not be big enough-

Kane: Then you will find another detonator. [Grabs report off advisor's hands and throws it away.]

Kane (to player): I will not lie to you, my son. GDI has gained the advantage. But as I told Kilian, victory for us will not come on the battlefield. GDI is reacting exactly as I expected, converging all their forces in Sarajevo. Your first job is to retrieve the vital weapons components lost in transit from Brazil, then you must buy us enough time to complete construction of the weapon. This will allow us to enact Phase Two of my plan... If all goes well, there may soon be a place opening up in my Inner Circle.


  1. Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Cinematic: "Recovery Mission".
Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath transcripts