This page includes a transcript of Rescue and Retribution, the second mission of Command & Conquer: Renegade.
(A GDI Transport Helicopter lands on General Locke's helicopter carrier. Havoc steps out. General Locke waves to him to come up from the bridge. Locke is shown with Lieutenant Adriana Maus inside the bridge. A door opens and Havoc walks in.)
Havoc: Where's my medal?
(Locke clears his throat. Havoc salutes.)
Locke: I'm a brigadier general, Havoc. The least you can do is call me sir.
Havoc: You got it....sir.
(Locke sighs.)
Locke: We've cracked the encription on the intel you acquired. It details Nod troop movements and force sizes, generally, unremarkable information. But something special. As you know, Nod has a special forces division of elite asassins, called the Black Hand. This is a covert communiqué detailing two top secret Black Hand operations. The first is in Guatemala. The second is in the remote agricultural we're approaching. Details are sketchy at best. Nod forces are herding civilians into "religous conditioning camps".
Havoc: Torture, and brainwashing.
Locke: No doubt. After processing they're being escorted by the Black Hand to an undisclosed location. We launched an assault on the area two hours ago. It failed. We'll have reinforcements from our support craft in six hours.
Havoc: They're torturing civvies, we can't wait six hours, let's roll!
(Havoc heads for the door)
Locke: Six hours, captain! Until then you are ordered to stand down. I won't have you risking multi-million dollar equipment on any of your impulsive gung-ho tactics! You're part of a team, Havoc. It's time for you to start acting as such! Are we clear?
Locke: Are we clear?!
Havoc: Crystal. Sir.
(Havoc leaves. Locke sighs again.)
Locke: Get General Sheppard on the line, we need those reinforcements yesterday.
(An alarm sounds. Locke goes over to Maus.)
Locke: Status report.
Maus: Uh, General? We have a... situation. It's Captain Parker, sir.
Locke: Havoc?
Maus: He's... liberated a hovercraft, sir
(They watch a hovercraft leave the helicarrier. Locke sighs.)
Locke: Launch our remaining support craft.
Maus: Sir?
Locke: You have your orders, Lieutenant. If he survives, I'll pin a medal on him... then I'll have him shot.
Satellite imagery indicates the Nod Detention Center is adjacent to the Nod Commuinications Center. Locate the Nod Detention Center.
Hint: Complete your secondary mission objectives.
Locke: Now, locate the Nod Detention Center, the civilians are being held there.
(Havoc climbs up a ladder and kills a Nod soldier near a destroyed GDI Power Plant.)
GDI Soldier #1: It's Havoc! Our base is destroyed, and Nod is taking prisoners. Follow me!
(Havoc follows the soldier. Another GDI soldier up ahead is killed by Nod troops. Havoc moves in and kills them in return. Two GDI POWs stand up.)
GDI POW: Thanks for the save. Did you find Captain Duncan yet? I think he went down the path behind the construction yard.
GDI Soldier #2: This is the path. Let's go!
They proceed up the path, killing several Nod Soldiers along the way. They arrive at a small cabin, where Nod soldiers are attacking someone inside. Havoc quickly eliminates them.)
Captain Duncan: In here! Good timing. Nod was closing in. I've been protecting something special. It's a prototype homing beacon for GDI's new space-based Ion Cannon. Great for taking out large structure. Once you place the beacon, you have ten seconds to clear the area. I got to go see to my men. Good luck.
(The group heads back to base and Captain Duncan and his troops are airlifted out. Havoc destroys several Nod Cargo Trucks with C4. He returns to the shed.)
Locke: Havoc, there's a Nod officer directing reinforcements from a guard tower up ahead. Take him out.
(Several Light Tanks bombard a gate. An A-10 flies in and neutralizes them.)
Nod Officer: Enemy forces closing in, requesting backup!
(Havoc kills the officer.)
Locke: Havoc, that tower offers a perfect vantage point for your sniper rifle. Use it to your advantage.
(Havoc snipes several Nod Soldiers, and countinues up the road.)
Gunboat: This is Gunboat Tango! We're taking Nod Turret fire! All availible units, please respond!
Locke: Take out the Turrets to protect the Gunboat and we'll land some firepower. Havoc, C4 is inbound. Use it.
(Havoc takes out the Turrets)
Locke: I'm sending you a Medium Tank.
(If Havoc dosen't get in the Medium Tank right away.)
Locke: Havoc, you don't HAVE to take the tank, but it's standing by if you want it.
(Havoc enters a barn with Nod soldiers and civilians inside and kills the soldiers. The civilians run back to their houses.)
(If Havoc enters the house across the field with bales of hay from the barn.)
Civilian: Watch for Nod machine guns and tanks beyond the tunnel. There's a small path behind the shed too, but it's too narrow for vehicles.
(If Havoc enters the tool shed on a small hill above the farm.)
Civilian: My family's been taken to some sort of camp! We need your help. There's a small path behind the shed if you want to go on foot, but the next field is heavily defended, you'll have to be careful!
Havoc: My friends need a ride, AT-7. Pick'em up!
Transport Helicopter: This is Air Transport 7, we're evacuating the area, stand by.
(A GDI Transport Helicopter arrives and the civilians are evacuated.)
Locke: Nice work, I'm airdropping supplies, look for them. That firefight alerted the Nod base! Destroy the Hand of Nod to stop further reinforcements.
(If Havoc drives through the tunnel in the Medium Tank.)
EVA: Warning. Nod Light Tank detected.
Locke: She's right Nick, I'm also detecting machine gun emplacements. You'll need explosives or heavy firepower to take out those gun emplacements.
(If Havoc tries to go through the tunnel on foot.)
Locke: Havoc, I wouldn't take that road without a tank.
(Havoc destroys the Light Tank.)
Locke: Nice work, I'm airdropping supplies, look for them.
(Havoc uses his Sniper Rifle to kill a Nod Officer on a bridge. He drives his tank over to the vridge to find that the way is baricaded.)
Locke: You can't drive over those baricades. It looks like you'll have to procede on foot from here, Havoc.
(Havoc picks up the green keycard that the Nod Officer dropped.)
Locke: That's a keycard. It unlocks doors of the same color.
(If Havoc goes into a hidden tunnel behind the waterfall.)
Nod Soldier: Visceriods! Kill'em!
(Havoc kills the Visceriods and countinues along the tunnel.)
EVA: Warning. Enemy aircraft detected.
(An Apache hovers in front of the tunnel exit.)
Nod Soldiers: Up there! It's a commando!
Havoc: Nice timing, sweetheart.
(The Apache flies off. Havoc kills all the soldiers. A Nod Harvester collects Tiberium in a nearby Tiberium field.)
Locke: The Nod Harvester is collecting Tiberium for the Refinery. Destroy it to slow production.
(Havoc destroys the Harvester and approaches a chruch.)
Locke: There are civilians in a nearby church. Expect resistance.
(Havoc kills all the Nod forces in the area.)
Clergy: Thank you, sir.
Locke: We're not done. Nod is closing in. Protect the civilians until we can evacuate. I'm sending reinforcements, contact them for backup.
(Two Transport Helicopters arrive. One drops off two GDI soldiers, and the other evacuates the civilians.)
GDI Soldier: Sir, call us if you need backup.
Havoc: Now you're talking!
Locke: Nice work, I'm airdropping supplies, look for them.
(An example of what Havoc might say if he asks for backup.)
Havoc:'re it!
GDI Soldier: On your tail, sir.
(Havoc countinues, and clears out two guard towers. He approaches another tower on a hill.)
Locke: You're approaching the Hand of Nod, destroy it to prevent furthur enemy reinforcements. Destroy the SAM site and I'll send in a team to escort you to the Master Control Terminal.
(Havoc destroys the SAM site.)
EVA: SAM Site destroyed.
(GDI Soldiers rappel in from helicopters. Havoc and the soldiers move into the Hand of Nod and clear it out. They enter the room with the Master Control Ternimal.)
GDI Soldier: This is the Master Control Ternimal. Destroy it, and we're done!
(Havoc destroys the MCT.)
EVA: Nod structure destroyed.
(If Havoc goes into the second sub-level of the Hand and frees some civilians "recruited" into Nod.)
Nod Officer: Alright, recruits, give me five more and report to the armory, is that clear?
(Havoc kills the officer.)
Civilian #1: Thank you GDI! I knew they were lying!
Civilian #2: What's going on?
Civilian #3: That looks like a man in a GDI uniform! Is this a test?
(The civilians return to the ground floor and head back to their homes. Havoc follows the road.)
EVA: Warning, localized radar jamming detected.
Locke: You're approaching the Nod Commuinications Center, it's scrambling your radar, stay alert.
(Havoc nears the Commuinications Center.)
Locke: Havoc, you should be near the Detention Center. Use the mainframe in the Commuinications Center to unlock the detention gate. Consider destroying the Nod Commuinications Center to hamper commuinications.
(Havoc destroys the adjacent SAM site.)
EVA: SAM Site destroyed.
(Havoc enters the Commuinications Center and kills everyone inside. He nears a conversation between a Nod Officer and a holographically projected Kane.)
Kane: Am I to understand that GDI has all of our test subjects?
Nod Officer: Kane, my lord, forgive me.
Kane: I will find someone with more.. faith to handle the situation.
Nod Officer: But sir, we-
Kane: Then report to interrogation for faith restructuring.
Nod Officer: Yes, my lord.
(Havoc kills the officer.)
Kane: Why do you interrupt me, GDI, hmm?
Havoc: I got a present for ya!
(Havoc hacks the mainframe.)
EVA: Accessing...please stand by. Transmitting...recieving, data aquisition complete.
Locke: Good job, Havoc, there's hope for you yet. Push the button next to the gate to open the detention center.
(Havoc pushes the button by the gate.)
End-mission Cutscene
(GDI Transport Helicopter arrive. Civilians and GDI POWs cheer and board the choppers. Havoc nods to them.)