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Command & Conquer Wiki

This page includes a transcript of Reunification, the fifth cutscene of the campaign in Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath.


As Tiberium consumes Australia, Kane revels in the unification of Nod...and reveals your true origins.


In the computer room, Kane smiles as he displays an image of Australia being consumed by the liquid Tiberium detonation. He then switches to a different video.

In the video, labelled "INTERCEPTED GDI TRANSMISSION", the Steel Talons Commander walks into the camera, standing in front of the ruins of the Institute for Tiberium Research, apparently reporting to his superiors.

Steel Talons Commander: No, no sir, there's no indication of sabotage or terrorism. No, no sir, no one has seen any sign of Nod! Look, I'm being told this was an accident, caused by-ARGHHHH!

The Steel Talons Commander is knocked to the ground by an explosion, the video cuts off. Kane smiles and turns the video off.

Kane: Our little demonstration has roused the beast. All over the planet, the people are rising up against their GDI oppressors. The wheels are in motion, but it is not yet our time. We must build, we must prepare. And you, my child, you must move to the next step of your evolution. Even CABAL will pale in comparison... For now, however, it is time for you to sleep...

The camera angle changes, Kane is now directly facing the mysterious Nod commander, who is finally revealed to be not a human, but an AI.

Kane: To sleep... per chance to dream.

Kane shuts down the Nod AI.

Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath transcripts