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This page includes a transcript of Sheep's Clothing, the seventh Nod mission of Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun.[1]


Mutant Prisoner[]

Oxanna: Sickening specimen...

Slavik: Strong nonetheless. [Activates intercom] Prisoner, I will not ask again. Where is the Tacitus? You have gained much from the technology of peace, mutant. Why betray your Brotherhood?

Umagon: Divination is a lie! It's killing us! Kane is using you.

Oxanna: Terminate the bitch.

Slavik: Wait! She may know something.

Umagon attempts to commit suicide in her seat.

Oxanna: What is she doing?

Slavik: She's pinching her carotid artery against her spine. I've seen it before in the camps.

Oxanna: She'll pass out.

Slavik: She'll die. [Goes over intercom] Intervene!

Umagon overpowers the two Nod soldiers sent to stop her. She takes the rifle and escapes as alarms go off. Oxanna pulls out her pistol and prepares to go after the mutant.

Slavik: Wait! [Grabs Oxanna by the shoulder] The tracking device has been activated. She'll take us where we want to go.

Sheep's Clothing[]

Kane: Umagon has led us to the mutant headquarters here in the north. You'll attack posing as a GDI force. The mutants will blame GDI, and we will gain their support.

Oxanna: You must first capture a small Defense Initiative outpost here and use it to manufacture our attack units.

Kane: Good luck... GDI. [Chuckles]

Mission selection[]

CABAL: Control of the mutants is in our grasp. Their headquarters is located to the north of your drop-off position. The GDI units you will need to implicate in this deception occupy a small base to the southwest. Do not mar the Brotherhood's name any further. Allow the blame to fall squarely on Solomon's shoulders.


Control of the mutants is in our grasp. Their headquarters is located to the north of your drop-off position. The units you will need to implicate GDI in this deception can be obtained by capturing the rest of the GDI base that you will start in. Do not mar the Brotherhood's name any further. Allow the blame to fall squarely upon Solomon's shoulders.

  • Objective One: Capture the enemy Construction Yard awaiting you.
  • Objective Two: Use GDI units to destroy the mutant's base.


Umagon's "pinching her carotid artery against her spine" as noted by Slavik is deemed impossible with regular human anatomy. However, this feat can be explained in-lore that Tiberian human mutants have sustained a fundamentally different anatomy from baseline humans, and thus this feat of suicide in a restrained seated position is possible for the mutants.


  1. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun. Nod mission 7: "Sheep's Clothing".
Tiberian Sun and Firestorm transcripts