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This page includes a transcript of Stormbringer, the fourth American mission of Command & Conquer: Generals.[1]


[Kazakhstan Coast]

Eva: Despite our losses in Hindu Kush, America is still committed to destroying the GLA. Spy satellites have discovered a major GLA training camp on the coast of the Caspian Sea. The battle is already underway. Good luck, General.


  • GLA training camp has been discovered
  • Eliminate this threat

Mission script[]

[Kazakhstan Coast, 1400 Hours]
[Operation: Stormbringer]

Soldier: Calling in GLA bunker location at grid square BETA CHARLIE 6-8-9-4-4.

Battleship: Confirming artillery target for grid square BETA CHARLIE, stand clear.

The scene opens to see a USA Battleship firing its cannons

Soldier: Red-14, to Angel 2, Approaching the landing zone!

Battleship: All ships, maintain heavy artillery support for amphibious assault.

The US Battleships open fire as Hovercrafts approach landfall unloading USA reinforcements with Comanches and Raptors flying up preparing to provide air cover for the USA forces assaulting the GLA

Soldier: This is Team Two, we’re taking heavy fire! We need air support now!

Soldier: Where are those Comanches?!

Gameplay 1:[]

The Hovercrafts offload more troops, Crusader Tanks and Tomahawk Launchers before returning to the sea. For a few seconds, the USA commander provides control until it shows the four Stinger Sites surrounding the camp

Eva: We need to clear out those Stinger Sites before we can bring in our bombers to clear the GLA from the area.

The USA Commander/the player regains control.

[Destroy the Stinger Sites]


Upon destroying the last Stinger Site…

USA Command: Birds are inbound.

Two B-52 bombers flew in and began carpet bombing the GLA camp

B-52 Pilot: This is Alpha-Wing, objective sighted. Lighting run underway!

The GLA camp and surrounding base is destroyed as the B-52s fly away

B-52 Pilot: Area zone is cleared. Good hunting, boys!

Two Dozers, along with Crusader Tank escorts enter the field

Eva: Construction crews have arrived, sir. You'll need to get our base set up before we're overrun by the GLA.

Footage shows the GLA Base in the hills

Eva: Our final objective is this GLA base here in the hills. Take it out and the operation is complete.

Gameplay 2[]

[Destroy the GLA Base]


  1. Electronic Arts Pacific, Command & Conquer: Generals. USA mission 4: "Stormbringer".
Generals and Zero Hour transcripts