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This page includes a transcript of The Doctor Vanishes, the seventh mission of Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath.[1]


Kane requires that GDI's Tiberium expert, Dr. Giraud, disappear. Capture him.

Loading Screen[]

Dr. Alphonse Giraud, GDI's leading Liquid Tiberium research scientist, has become an impediment. He must disappear before he can enlighten the fool Boyle, or Kane's plan will be endangered.

Giraud's facilities are located in Blue Zone 8, in the same Chilean spaceport formerly used to staff and maintain the Philadelphia.

The Prophet requires Giraud alive - he believes the good doctor can be converted to our cause.

Do not fail him.

Mission script[]

Establishing video uplink.

Alexa: The Liquid Tiberium research of GDI’s Dr. Giraud has become an impediment to Kane’s plan. The Prophet bids you to capture the good doctor. Perhaps with appropriate motivation his considerable talents could be bent to the Prophet’s will.

Incoming transmission.

1. Capture Giraud's Lab

Nod EVA: LEGION, Kane requires the capture of GDI's Dr. Giraud. Secure his laboratory.

New bonus objective.

1. Capture the Spaceport Control Center

Nod EVA: GDI's spaceport is a treasure trove of useful information. Capture it.

(When the spaceport is sighted.)

Nod Soldier: Check out that spaceport, shiny!

(When Giraud's lab is sighted.)

Nod Soldier: Take the lab!

(After capturing the lab.)

Nod Soldier: Giraud's got some swanky digs!

Nod Soldier: Let's find this pencil neck and get out of here!

Nod Soldier: Lab locked down! Hey you, Giraud, get over here!

Nod Soldier: We've got the nerd, sir. Requesting evac, pronto!

Nod EVA: Dr. Giraud located and pacified, prepared for evacuation.

Nod EVA: Nod transport incoming.

Nod EVA: Dr. Giraud secured in Nod transport.

Incoming transmission.

2. Escort Dr. Giraud's Transport

Nod EVA: GDI are attempting to destroy our transport to prevent Nod from capturing Dr. Giraud, defend it.

(If the transport is under attack.)

Nod EVA: Transport under fire.

(If the transport's health drops below 75%.)

Nod EVA: The transport is lightly damaged. Defend it from further GDI attacks.

(If the transport's health drops below 50%.)

Nod EVA: The transport is heavily damaged. Send aid immediately.

(If the transport's health drops below 25%.)

Nod EVA: The transport is critically damaged. Do not allow it to be destroyed.

(If the transport is destroyed.)

Nod Soldier: Damn it, she's going down!

Nod EVA: Transport destroyed, Giraud is dead, mission failed.

(If the lab is destroyed before being captured.)

Nod EVA: Dr. Giraud's laboratory destroyed, mission failed.


Primary Objectives[]

  • Capture Giraud's Lab
    • Dr. Giraud cowers within his lab - capture it... and him.
  • Escort Dr. Giraud's Transport
    • The Transport will evacuate Giraud to a secure location. Protect the Transport, Kane requires Giraud alive.

Secondary Objectives[]

  • Capture the Spaceport Control Center
    • There is much about GDI's Satellite Network we do not know. Capture the Spaceport and educate yourself.


  1. Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath. Nod mission 7: "The Doctor Vanishes".
Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath transcripts