This page includes a transcript of The Messiah Returns, the first main Nod mission of Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun.[1]
Today's Execution[]
Camera pans to a damaged video screen next to the burnt corpse of a Nod soldier, amid the sounds of distant gunfire.
Maychek: Battle day 12-32-71. Good welcome, citizens. Our united efforts continue to be rewarded in the struggle for peace. Where there is oppression, Nod is there. Not with empty promises in propaganda, but with divination.
Today's Execution segment plays.
Maychek: Good evening. By permission of General Hassan himself, it is with great honor that we bring you the following live execution. One vision, one purpose. Oxanna?
Oxanna: One vision, one purpose, Maychek!
Maychek: I can tell from all the vert comm traffic tonight that this termination is a special one.
Oxanna: Yes, very special! I've been told the mixture this evening is one hundred percent toxin and no sedative. If everything goes as planned, our traitor should remain fully conscious to the painful end.
Maychek: We'll keep our fingers crossed.
Oxanna: General Hassan has joined us.
Camera cuts to a screen of Hassan among a crowd of soldiers.
Hassan: One vision, one purpose.
Crowd: The technology of peace.
Hassan: Be seated... One death is not enough for Anton Slavik. For attempting to give our enemy our most vital secrets, the GDI spy should die a thousand times... In the name of Kane!
Crowd: Kane lives in death!
Hassan: Sweet dreams, Slavik...
The lethal injection begins and Slavik's vision fades away. Oxanna pulls out a gun and shoots a guard. She enters the execution room, her team taking out two more guards, before injecting Slavik with an antidote.
Montauk briefing[]
Slavik wakes up onboard the Montauk, seeing Oxanna's face.
Oxanna: Dead and back, Commander. Dead and back.
Slavik and his crew enter the Montauk's cockpit. One of the pilots stands up to greet Slavik.
Pilot: Sir! It's an honor to have you back-
Slavik shoots the pilot, revealed to be a traitor.
Slavik: Traitor...
Slavik and Oxanna go to their seats. The traitor's body is dragged away.
Oxanna: CABAL, situation?
CABAL: A division of Hassan's Elite Guard is closing in our position. The probability of a favorable outcome can be increased if we can return to your main base and engage the enemy as we move.
Slavik: Define "favorable outcome", CABAL.
CABAL: They all die...
Slavik: That'll do. Let's go, no man or structure stay standing!
Hassan is determined to stop you at any cost. He has pursued us back to a small base near his HQ. We must fend off his assault and build a Tiberium Refinery so we have the means to strike back.
- Objective One: Get production online by building a Tiberium Refinery.
- Objective Two: Destroy all of Hassan's Elite Guard.
- ↑ Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun. Nod mission 1: "The Messiah Returns".