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This page includes a transcript of Time Lapse, the first Allied mission of Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge.[1]


Eva: The situation looks bad, Commander. Yuri's forces have successfully detonated two of his Psychic Dominator devices, turning much of the planet into mindless Yuri drones. Luckily, the device here in San Francisco seems to be underpowered.[note 1] It hasn't been activated, yet. [Receives call] Stand by Commander, I have Special Agent Tanya on the line.

Tanya: There may be a way out of this, Commander. Doc Einstein has a new toy. Now it hasn't been tested yet, but it might be our only way out of this, right doc? [Grunts] Doc!?

Einstein: Oh! Ja, ja. This is my prototype temporal displacement device. I believe we can use it to transport your forces backwards in time. With luck, you may be able to advert the Psychic Dominator Disaster before it has begun!

Tanya: Look, we don't have a lot of time Commander. Yuri's forces are trying to capture power plants throughout to divert power to the Psychic Dominator. Well the Doc's machine needs power too, so you have to get there, you have to capture power plants yourself. Hey, not saying it's gonna be easy, I'm a field op, I'm not a strategist. And I hate to admit it but right now I wish General Carville was still alive.

Einstein: If my device works Miss Tanya, you may get your wish. When you return to the past, contact my earlier self. I may be able to help, ja.

Loading screen[]

Operation: Time Lapse - Location: San Francisco, California
Objective 1: Capture Power Plants to power the Time Machine
Objective 2: Defend the Time Machine
Objective 3: Destroy the Psychic Dominator on Alcatraz


It's only a matter of time before Yuri brings the Psychic Dominator on Alcatraz back online. Our only chance is to use Professor Einstein's Time Machine to send us back in time and stop Yuri before he can complete his worldwide network of Psychic Dominators.

Mission script[]

Mission start[]

Establishing battlefield control, stand by...

Incoming transmission...
Eva: The time machine is just south of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Eva: The Golden Gate Bridge entrance was destroyed by the Soviets during the war. Protect the time machine until you can capture enough power plants to bring it online. Be careful Commander, Yuri's initiates are combing the city. They want those power plants too.

Eva: Commander, these are Guardian GIs. They're armed with both machine guns and anti-tank rockets. When deployed, they are able to reduce a tank into scrap metal in seconds.

Battle control online.

Objective 1[]

[Objective: Capture Power Plants to bring the Time Machine online]

Eva: Good job, Commander. Just a few more power plants and we should be able to power up the time machine.

If power plants are under attack
Eva: Commander, one of our power plants has come under attack. If we lose too many there won't be enough left in the city to charge the time machine.
If time machine is under attack
Eva: Commander, the time machine is under attack. You must protect it until we have enough power to activate the device.
When a player discovered Yuri's Gatling Cannon
Eva: The Gatling Cannon defense structures are lethal to both land and air units, their cannon spin and fire faster the longer a target is within range.

[Objective 1 Complete]

Incoming transmission...
Eva: Commander, the time machine is powered up, we're ready to make the time shift.
Tanya: Woohoo! Let's shake it baby!
Eva: Hang on, this is gonna be a close one.
Yuri: I fear you are out of time. Don't worry, it will be quite painless and life will be so much simpler for you, with no freedom or will.

The Allies are transported back in time to the Third World War.

Incoming transmission...
Eva: You did it, Commander. The time shift was successful.
Tanya: Yeah, but we couldn't have come at a worse time. We're sitting right in the middle of the first Soviet occupation. Use the Grand Cannons to soften up the Soviets. And when you give me the word, I'll swim to Alcatraz and I'll turn that Psychic Dominator into scrap metal.

Tanya: One short swim to Alcatraz and I'll blow that psychic contraption sky high!

Objective 2[]

[Objective: Swim Tanya to Alcatraz Island and destroy the Psychic Dominator]

Eva: Sir, those Soviet Dreadnoughts are pummelling the city. Use Tanya and our Grand Cannons on the Soviet fleet to protect the city.

Incoming transmission... (if Tanya is lost)
Tanya (wounded): Wait... Looks like I'm outta commission for a while, Commander. Finish what we started! I'm down, but I'm not out! [Falls back on stretcher] Let's go!


Par Time: 00:15:00

Faster than par time
Your rank is: 1st Lieutenant
Your quick thinking caught both the Soviets and Yuri off guard. The Soviet invasion of San Francisco has been thwarted, and Yuri's plans have been thrown into disarray. Well done, Commander.
Slower than par time
Your rank is: 2nd Lieutenant
Though we have thwarted both the plans of the Soviets and Yuri, the population of San Francisco suffered terrible losses.


  1. Eva does not point correctly to San Francisco on the map. She ends up pointing next to Reno, Nevada instead.


Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge transcripts