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This page includes a transcript of Tomorrow's Technology Today, the eleventh and penultimate mission of Command & Conquer: Renegade.[1]


Mobius: The Black Hand's ReGenesis Project is based upon my research. They are utilizing Tiberium as a mutagen to incite forced genetic acceleration.

Havoc: English, Doc!

Mobius: Huh? Ah, yeah. Doctor Petrova is attempting to create genetically enhanced supersoldiers.

Locke: We can't let that happen.

Mobius: General, has there been any word about my daughter?

Locke: I'm afraid not. We've turned the Nod science facility inside out. There's no trace of her.

Havoc: Petrova's got her! Probably took her to Kane.

Locke: For once we're one step ahead of you. GDI is launching a massive assault on Kane's Temple as we speak.

Havoc: I'll find her, Doc.

Locke: We've arranged an Ion Cannon to be at your disposal. A strike on Kane's front door should get his attention.

Havoc: [Locks pistol] Time to rock and roll!

Loading screen[]

The Ion Cannon Satellite must be targeted by a local beacon. Place the Ion Cannon Beacon directly in front of the Temple of Nod. This should be the last stand for Nod resistance in this area.
Hint: A friend in need...

Mission tips[]

Disable the Hand of Nod to reduce Nod's infantry reinforcement.
Destroy the Airstrip to prevent vehicle reinforcement.
Eliminate the Power Plant to shut off power to other buildings.
Destroy the Construction Yard to prevent Nod base repairs.

Mission script[]

Mission start[]

Locke: Havoc - we've started the initial assault on the Nod base. The Mammoth ahead of you is guarding the insertion point. Keep it alive.

Havoc: That's all I get for backup? One little tank!?

Locke: Keep it alive, and I'll have the driver give you the keys. How's that?

If SAM Site near Hand of Nod is destroyed
Locke: Easy work for you, Havoc. I am bring in reinforcements now.

Locke: If you destroy that Hand of Nod, it should-

Havoc: Yeah, yeah I know this well.

Access Southeastern Gate[]

Locke: Havoc - we can't armor through the southeastern base gate until it's open. See what you can do about unlocking it.

If Hand of Nod is disabled
Locke: I'm no longer reading the Hand of Nod as active. Is that your handiwork, Havoc?
Havoc: You know it! Should put the hurt on reinforcements.

Locke: Havoc - There's a functional Nod Tiberium Refinery located just ahead. Destroying it will slow Nod production for this facility.

Havoc: One thing I like about this place: lots of stuff to blow up!

If Tiberium Refinery is disabled
Havoc: That destroyed enough for ya?
Locke: That's enough Havoc, good work.

Locke: Looks like the gate is down, nice work. We should be able to get vehicles through it now.

If SAM Site near Obelisk of Light is destroyed
Locke: There's still a SAM located on the eastern side of the base.
Havoc: Like I don't have enough to deal with here!...
If eastern SAM Site is destroyed
Havoc: I never get tired of nuking those.

Taking out the Nod base[]

Locke: This laser fence requires a lot of power. There must be a Nod Power Plant nearby, possibly on the north side of the base.

[New Primary mission objective]
[Disable Power Plant]

Locke: You taking care of that base gate, Havoc?

Locke: We've got another gate situation in the northwestern sector. I'll highlight it's location on the radar.

[New Primary mission objective]
[Access Northwestern Gate]

Locke: Havoc - take out that Construction Yard and the Power Plant repairs should cease.

[New Primary mission objective]
[Disable Construction Yard]

On approaching the northwestern gate
Havoc: Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. I've got turrets down here, Locke!
Locke: See if you can find an indirect approach, or take them out from a distance.
[New Secondary mission objective]
[Destroy Turrets]

Locke: The Nod Power Plant is just ahead. Take out that building and the laser fences in front of the Temple should shut off.

On destroying the airstrip
Locke: Oh, you make quick work of that one. Good show, Havoc!
On destroying the western helipad
Locke: Any yet, another helipad destroyed. Good job!
Havoc: I'll make another notch on my handgun.


  1. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. Mission 11: "Tomorrow's Technology Today".
Renegade transcripts