This page includes a transcript of the tutorial of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.[1]
Mission script[]
Camera Controls[]
Training officer: Welcome to the battlefield training simulation, Commander. This scenario will help you get familiar with the basics of our command and control system. To get started, let's go over some basic camera controls for navigating the battlefield. To move the camera, hold down the right mouse button and drag the cursor in any direction. Move the camera now.
Training officer: Excellent!
- Objective Complete
- 1. Learn Camera Controls
Training officer: Throughout this training session you can reference your objectives at any moment if you're having trouble figuring out what to do next. To access your objectives, click the flashing button in the top-right of the screen.
Commanding Units[]
Training officer: Next, we'll work on commanding units. We've granted you two squads of Zone Troopers. Begin selecting these units by moving your cursor over the Zone Troopers. Notice your cursor changes to a selection cursor. While your cursor is over the unit, left-click.
Training officer: Excellent! One squad of Zone Troopers is now selected. You can select multiple squads of units by left-clicking and dragging the mouse across them.
[Select both squads of Zone Troopers by holding down the left mouse button, moving your mouse around to drag a selection box over them, and then releasing the left mouse button.]
Training officer: Try selecting both squads of Zone Troopers by dragging a selection box across all of them.
Training officer: Both squads are now selected. To move selected units, move your cursor over empty terrain. You'll notice that it changes to a move cursor. This is potential destination for your selected units. Some terrain such as mountains and are not traversable and will give you a different cursor to inform you that you are not allowed to move units there.
[Move your Zone Troopers to the designated area to the east by selecting them and right-clicking on the terrain.]
Training officer: Issue a move command to your Zone Troopers into the designated area to the east right-clicking on the terrain.
Training officer: Good work, your troops are moving out.
[Select your Zone Troopers and right-click on the targets to attack them.]
Training officer: This is the shooting range, time for some target practice! If your Zone Troopers are still selected, right-click on the targets downrange and the Zone Troopers will fire on them. If your troops aren't selected, drag a box around the whole group and then open fire. Destroy all of the targets.
Training officer: All targets are destroyed. Excellent work, Commander! Notice that one of your Zone Trooper squads has a special symbol hovering above it when it is selected. This squad is now a veteran squad. There are three levels of veterancy, as squad's rank up they deal more damage and become less vulnerable to enemy attacks. Now move your Zone Troopers over to this damaged building. Order your men to destroy this structure.
Training officer: Notice that it took your men significantly longer to destroy this structure than the targets at the range. are every effective against infantry and light vehicles, but are not very efficient at destroying structures. In turn, certain tanks and heavy artillery may tear through structures, but may not be the most effective weapons against infantry. You'll need to pick the right unit for the enemy you're facing. Troop composition is an important part of commanding an army.
Special Abilities[]
Training officer: Many units have special abilities. The Zone Troopers for example can use Jump Jets to boost themselves over obstacles and across rivers.
[Use the Zone Troopers "Jump Jet" ability by selecting them, left-clicking on their "Jump Jet" ability in their portrait on the bottom right of the screen, and left-clicking on the other side of the trench.]
Training officer: Order your Zone Troopers to Jump Jet across this trench by selecting your Zone Trooper squads and left-clicking on the Jump Jets icon in the lower part of the unit portrait. You'll find it in the bottom right of your screen. Left-click on a section of open terrain on the other side of the trench.
Training officer: Good work! Many units have special abilities and upgrades that you can use to great effect on the battlefield.
- Objective Complete
- 2. Learn Unit Controls
Base Construction[]
Training officer: Commander, you've been issued a Mobile Construction Vehicle, or MCV. This vehicle is the foundation for a new base and will allow you to build new structures.
[Move your MCV to the designated area to begin base construction.]
Training officer: In the field, you'll be moving your MCV to a suitable area for base construction. Look for flat terrain, we've designated an area for you in this training simulation. Move your MCV to the designated area to begin base construction.
Training officer: Note that this large vehicle is defenseless and moves slowly, but it's heavily armored.
[Unpack your MCV by left-clicking on the "Unpack" ability on the portrait on the bottom-right of the screen.
Training officer: You'll need to unpack the MCV before you can build a base. To do so, select your MCV and left-click on its Unpack ability, again found at the lower-right attached to the unit portrait. This will convert your MCV into a stationary structure, called a Construction Yard.
Training officer: Good work, by unpacking your MCV, you've established ground control and can now place additional structures in the vicinity of your Construction Yard. Additional structures will extend your ground control allowing you to expand your base to cover more ground.
[Build a Power Plant by left-clicking on its icon in the build menu.]
Training officer: Your base will need power to function. Begin the construction of a Power Plant by left-clicking on the Power Plant icon in the build menu.
[Left-click the Power Plant build button and move your cursor onto the terrain. The cursor will switch to a Power Plant icon and may be placed within the Construction Yard's build radius. Left-click to place the structure.]
Training officer: Good! Notice how your remaining credits decrease while the Power Plant is building. Each structure has a cost and a build time associated with it. To find out how much a building costs and how long it will take to build, move your mouse cursor over the building's icon in the build menu.
Training officer: The building is now ready. Note that the Power Plant button is highlighted, indicating that it is ready to be placed in the world. Left-click the Power Plant build button and move your cursor onto the terrain. The cursor will switch to a Power Plant icon and may be placed within the Construction Yard's build radius. Left-click to place the structure. If the Power Plant icon turns red, you're either trying to build the Power Plant outside of your Construction Yard's ground control radius, or you're trying to build it on impassible terrain.
Training officer: Good, now your base has power. Notice the power meter on the right side of your screen. Each structure you build needs power to work properly. If your base runs low on power, some buildings will stop working and others will work inefficiently. Buildings that stop working turn black.
Harvesting Tiberium[]
Training officer: Now it's time to build a Refinery so you can harvest Tiberium. Tiberium is an extremely valuable resource that can be refined and used to fund your operations.
[Build a Refinery by clicking on the Refinery icon. When it's ready, place your Refinery in the same way you did your Power Plant.]
Training officer: Build a Refinery by clicking on the Refinery icon. When it's ready, place your Refinery in the same way you did your Power Plant.
Training officer: Excellent! Note that the Harvester unit automatically begins to seek out and collect Tiberium. Once the Harvester has reached capacity, it'll return and unload its Tiberium for processing. You'll get credits when this happens. With your economy established now and power available, you can begin to build production structures.
[Build a Barracks and place it on the terrain just like you did with your Power Plant and Refinery.]
Training officer: A Barracks will allow you to train infantry. Build a Barracks and place it on the terrain just like you did with your Power Plant and Refinery.
- Objective Complete
- 3. Learn Base Building
Unit Production[]
Training officer: Good work, now you can start building an army. To access the list of infantry units you can train, either select the Barracks or click on the unit production tab now. You always have the option to click directly on the structure or simply use the tabs on the interface in the upper right. Click on the Rifleman Squad icon to train a squad of GDI Riflemen. Click on the unit multiple times and you'll train multiple squads.
[Train three squads of Rifleman Squads.]
Training officer: Train three squads of Riflemen. You can pause production of a unit or structure by right-clicking on its icon while it's being built. If you left-click on a paused unit or structure, production will resume. If you right-click on a paused unit or structure, production will be cancelled and any credit spend will be refunded.
Training officer: Good work, Commander. You've managed to build a base and train a small force of infantry. Now you'll fight a mock battle against another commander. He will command the Red Team and you will command the Blue Team.
- Objective Complete
- 4. Learn Unit Building
Training officer: The Red Team may attack at any moment. Before they do, garrison your Riflemen inside this abandoned building.
[Garrison the civilian structure by selecting your squads and right-clicking on the structure.]
Training officer: To garrison the building, select your squads and right-click on the abandoned building to send them in. Your units are now taking advantage of cover inside the building. While garrisoned, your troops can still fire out but are protected from enemy fire. Note that if the structure becomes severely damaged, your troops will be ejected.
Training officer: Here comes the Red Team!
Training officer: You've successfully defeated the Red Team's strike force. To clear the garrisoned building, select the building and click on the evacuate all button.
- Objective Complete
- 4. Learn Garrisoning
Red versus Blue[]
Training officer: Now it's time to build some more forces. When you feel you're ready, move your forces out into the field, find the Red Team's base, and destroy it.
[You've discovered the Red Team's base. Target their structures and take them down.]
Training officer: You've discovered the Red Team's base. Target their structures and take them down.
- Objective Complete
- 4. Destroy the Red Team's base
Training officer: Great job, Commander! You've learned all the basics you'll need to lead GDI forces into battle. You might try starting with the GDI campaign next, as it reinforces and builds upon the lessons you've learned in this training session.
- ↑ Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Tutorial.