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This page includes a list of transcripts of the WWN General News Announcements that are broadcasted in Command & Conquer: Renegade.

GDI Reports[]

WWN: Your attention please, this is a general news announcement for the Global Defense Initiative, courtesy of WWN.[1]

Nuclear Arms[]

WWN: A press statement released earlier today expresses GDI intentions to avoid building nuclear arms.

Locke: The free world has gone out of its way to offer an olive branch to the Nod regime, a gesture refused time and again. Though the technology is within our reach, the Global Defense Initiative has voluntarily renounce all forms of nuclear competition, to assure peace among the European communities afflicted by the Nod crisis. Innocent lives need not be lost to eliminate this terrorist organization known as the Brotherhood.[2]

Reinstatement of the Draft[]

WWN: An interview with UN Secretary of Defense, Dr. Charles Olivetti, detail the necessity of reinstating the draft in many countries to accommodate the war effort.[3]

GDI Losses[]

WWN: Loss of critical supply depots and processing centers have left GDI forces without reinforcement or the material necessary to conduct their operations under normal circumstances. GDI Brigadier General Locke has this to say about the losses.

Locke: This war is not only a widespread battle for international honor, it is a battle for basic needs: housing, work, food, our very existence! The war with such goals demands our full energy, our complete resolve, our total determination, and willing sacrifice.[4]

Welfare of Third World Nations[]

WWN: Escalation of Nod terrorist activity has created rising concerns over the welfare of the common public in many Third World nations. GDI Brigadier General Sheppard sums up the situation.[5]

Nod Reports[]

WWN: Your attention please, this is a general news announcement for the Brotherhood, courtesy of WWN.[6]

Sheppard's True Goals[]

WWN: With rare honesty, the GDI leader General Sheppard revealed his true goals to the world in a recent broadcast. Even neutral observers were surprised at how he rejected Kane's peace offer and declared a war of destruction on the Brotherhood. Kane had this to say in a recent press statement.[7]

Kane's Concerns with GDI[]

WWN: In an interview earlier today, Kane expressed this concerns about the true nature of the Global Defense Initiative.

Kane: I am concerned by GDI politicians waving flags of freedom, democracy, and justice. In countries small and large, no organization has done more to hamper freedom than GDI. They present a program of democracy but are unwilling to grant its principles or support the guarantees of peace. What GDI supports is the destruction of peace for the sake of world domination.[8]

GDI Propaganda[]

WWN: A report made by a Nod communications expert detail the impending concerns over the nature of GDI propaganda.

Expert: Historically, the western powers spread leaflets over enemy lines telling those who said the word "republic" when captured would receive better treatment. Today, our communications are so advanced, every member of our Brotherhood can access data electronically from his or her person. This technology is being used against us as propaganda is being broadcast to mislead our troops. I ask every member of the Brotherhood to be conscious of the potential for corruption and the inherent dangers of our technology.[9]

Intentions of GDI[]

WWN: A comment made by Kane, the leader of the free world, indicates the intentions of the Global Defense Initiative.

Kane: GDI claims Nod were the aggressors, but it was GDI who instigated an obscene war against the Brotherhood without provocation. They've tried, without success, to persuade of their "sympathy" for a threatened Europe yet the facts are clear and their flood of lies cannot contradict the truth! The Brotherhood seeks freedom where GDI warmongers seek domination.[10]

Kane's Celebratory Speech[]

WWN: In a celebratory speech for recent victories along the front lines, Kane, the leader of the free world, made the following commentary.

Kane: The world should re-examine what I and the Brotherhood have done for society's benefit. They must agree that the historical results have been unprecedented. The people may not want to believe in me, but the time will come when they must. The Brotherhood is free, strong, great and united. What leader has ever done more for his people?[11]

Closing Remarks[]

WWN: Further information can be found online at[12]


  1. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0001I1CCNC.
  2. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0004I1CCNC.
  3. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0006I1CCNC.
  4. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0008I1CCNC.
  5. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0010I1CCNC.
  6. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0002I1CCNC.
  7. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0012I1CCNC.
  8. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0014I1CCNC.
  9. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0016I1CCNC.
  10. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0018I1CCNC.
  11. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0020I1CCNC.
  12. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Renegade. always.dat sound clip: M00CCNC_DSGN0003I1CCNC.
Renegade transcripts